My Valentine's Day Poem to my Wife

in valentines-day •  7 years ago 

We are a jigsaw puzzle.

Sometimes we try and put two pieces together that just won't fit.
We cry, we fight , we say this isn’t right.

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Sometimes we find the pieces that fit together, like hand in a glove.
We laugh, we smile, we say we are in love.


Sometimes we get careless and all the pieces fall on the floor.
We say, I don't want to do this anymore.


It's so easy to give up. We say we want this to end.
It’s just too hard to pick up the pieces and start again.

But something inside won't let us quit.
Gluttons for punishment, in search of the perfect fit.

But it is not until the pieces come together as one,
that we realise how perfect each piece was, all along.


I knew you were my perfect fit,
from the moment I first saw you,
So give your heart in surrender and admit,
You were made for me too.

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Until next time


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