I do not know why, maybe it's at least like this, when I want to surprise someone I love, I tell myself " it will be very expensive or better not to do anything".
As a kid I remember that my family did not remember such days of love or birthdays, it was not an issue ...
"You know you're loved, you do not have to spend a lot of money for it"
It was created that were big birthdays that cost a lot of money.
And there were birthdays that almost ignored my birthday, or whatever.
So, with women, it's not exactly like that.
My wife always told me, buy me something small and do not need anything big!
I did not believe her, I told her so
"We have "
- Anniversary
- My birthday
- Her birthday
- The Hebrew Love Day
- The Latin Valentine's Day
Almost one month salary goes only on celebrations of love every year(that's how men think) lolz...
I do love love, but we are a young couple, money isn't a common thing!
So here are some small instructions that will help the average man (at least for me it helped)
All that a woman needs these days is that you pay attention to her.
What can help it? Of course, keys to a new Ferrari can be a great idea.
But we'll go down to the ground
Most important, letter, write down what you feel about your wife.
As you write, you will understand how important she is to you, and she will feel it.The gift depends on your budget, so a woman does not look at what she needs (that's how men tend to think "What do I need"?), It's pleasant for her to get the gift because she gets the attention.
It can be a scarf even if it has ten, it can be a speckled package, it can be a book that is very wanted, it does not have to amount to a lot of money, it can be a small gift.You can go to a restaurant after you have written a letter! Remember, it's important for her to pay attention to me more than a normal day, that's the excuse to get attention.
It is very important that if you have already bought something small, be nicely packed, not in the supermarket bag :)
pick one date a year that you buy something expensive for her if you can afford more then one date every year so go for it.
I hope that I helped.
Well done ..
The sincere attention expresses that love and a beautiful word completes the subject
Thanks for sharing
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The love between husband and wife is not limited to valentine day. Small gifts must be exchanged frequently.
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Lol that's a surprise for sure !!
But if we are not celebrating our life, then what's the point of living !! Isn't it?
It is Indeed :p
Hahahah. Yes we girls love to unwrap gift paper !! Atleast I do !!
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hey man @amiramnoam thanks so much for this, i wish i can give you a big hug, been all day thinking how to make my wife happy tody being valentine, she asked i help transfer an article from my laptop to hers and i saw this on her screen, i am just going to do as you have said. seems she is on her way back from the basement. Got to go now. Thanks again man.
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oh yes! the letter is the main! I adore them
and I always asked my men not to make expensive gifts but to write some sincere words about their feelings.
and I can forget all presents, but these letters are kept in my heart forever!
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All that a woman needs these days is that you pay attention to her..
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I totally agree to that. As a wife, yes, I may appreciate efforts made by my husband and any woman would be so happy to receive expensive gifts and eating in a fancy restaurant. However, if you are already a parent, you will not think only for yourself and your partner. You need to consider the needs of your kids. So your priority will change.
As for me, may it be a valentines day or any special or even just a simple day, the thought that my husband loves me sincerely would already more than enough. A simple hug, kiss on my forehead and a reassurance of his pure love to me would be the most romantic gift of all.
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thanks for sharing.
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ืขืฆืืช ืืขืืืืช ื ืขื :)
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ืืฆืืฅ. :)
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Its a normal day that people make a big fuss about. Everything is overpriced with promotions popping up everywhere only targeting for couples. I don't get why boyfriends become super romantic on this day. Don't you have to be romantic everyday? Valentine's day has become so overrated.
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Hehe for Sure a woman invented it.
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Thanks for some good advice about relationship
Love is a feeling
It should be expressed
It is not present in the fancy and expensive gifts
But it is the strongest bond between two people
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What I would say I pick from your post today is that attention is the most important gift to give to your lover. So, much attention and a little affordable material gift will be highly appreciated. And I'll say that's true but only depending on the person. I have had different relationships throughout my few days on earth so far, each person is unique so its best one learns more about his partner to understand what he or she values.
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Amazing view, indeed and helpful, we all have some life to spend, and to make it more valuable and full of happiness, we do act like amiramnoam suggest, your view shows thats you love so much to your wife, and that commendable and admirable, all credit goes to you, but these strategies just for married couples do not use it for anyother relation, lol
i like your way to explain, that you explain according to the true mentality of a woman, all the psychological impact are under consideration, thanks for sharing such stuff for today and for all the possible days to love someone with a special appearance.
Its very great contribution to utilize your experience and suggests other, i must appreciate again, keep sharing such stuff buddy, keep it up and steem on
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They love gifts that are more personal and gifts that show how much you love them.
Sending her flowers with a note of how much you love her and what you love about her will make her happier than a jewelry.
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Love is an emotion that can not be bought. Similarly, expressing it is a natural and it cannot be valued. We should appreciate all kinds of gestures. These are nice thoughts, always great to read something that is personally experienced.
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You do give very reasonable points, but the problem is just that many couples and love ones uses the worth of what is given to them especially on a day like this to determine weather the either partner really love them which is not suppose to be so though this is not widely practice by married people but is common among those still in relationships. I really support your idea as cutting the coat according to once budget. Thanks
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very interesting post you raised a very valid point.
everyone must have to think about it.
great suggestions!
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You really nailed it exactly.
I remember when we first got married I would write letters, draw pictures and make crafts. She kept them for years.
There is no gift that can match out heart for our loved ones.
Have a happy Valentine's day and peace be with you.
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for sure.
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Thanks for the tips bro.....
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pretty pic๐คค
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Nice post
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nyc post i like ur idea..
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Amazing post.Much obliged for sharing it
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I agree with you.. .
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In such a day, everyone should be with their loved ones. Let us all hope that we should be happy to live peacefully,happy valentine day
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love is never conclusion.
Happy valentine's day for all.
Love is forever.
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I think spending too much money is not gonna make the day seem full of colours and happy. Time is important for those who love you and who you Love. So I guess we should spend some quality time with our loved ones and try to make them happy and listen to everything what they have to say. Gotta be a good listener when it comes to women. Nice post by the way. Thank you dear.
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Happy valentine
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This line really great.
Most important, letter, write down what you feel about your wife.
As you write, you will understand how important she is to you, and she will feel it.
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Great writing boss.....good thinking....creative mind........this activeness impressed me always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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happy valentinesday...
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Happy valentinesday
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2nd pick is very funny!
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This is amazing interpretation of a love of middle class men my brother. Exactly we think like this.we have had things like this. No money during teenage, that gap with our parents, kind off conservative culture, than the job which is never satisfying. But we dont give up on concept of love. We keep that fire burning inside us, our close ones' might not see it but we know how hard we try everyday to make our near and dear ones' happy. Love the way u narrated bro. Allah bless
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Simple yet came from the heart will always be the best.make everyday a valentine day ๐ women should be loved not only during vday but everyday instead.
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happy valentines day @amiramnoam have a good day
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Life can also be enjoyed in the Simple Things.
It's not necessary to get the Expensive Stuff for every occasion. Sometimes the Little Details like you said about the Gift Packing that Matters a Lot.
Yes almost everyone has a Temptation for Expensive stuffโ but it'sโ not necessaryโ that we would want to Buy it.
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Thank you
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Happy day
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Wonderful instructions, thank you for your post.
The last days I thought about what to get for my gf and I came up with the idea to take her to the thermal bath we wanted to go several winters ago, but she insisted on saving our money and so she got this little flowers
Good luck to all with your beloved ones ;)
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excellent post !! I like it because that's how I think, I start thinking sometimes and I say, really, my love for her is to show her just giving her some valuable object or giving her more of my attention?
and draw the conclusion that a muejr that loves you, that I want to be with you for a lifetime by your side, what you see most is what you do with your heart and give it your attention, your love above all to give it its place, tell it you love her, you do not necessarily buy her something of high value, for being a special day if it is necessary to give her something not necessarily of value but something simple but with love, that way you will show the affection that you have and love!
I vote and I continue
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this so touching. ...today, as we celebrate love ,we should make our love once very happy..love is the most important thing.one should love and should be loved..life Is too short not to love..happy valentine
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Yes we really do not want much, the secret is attention
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Even the littlest efforts go along way, I like to grab fresh roses ๐น from the market and surprise people I love at work! Itโs a great way to show you care by taking time out of your day.
Happy Valentines Day ๐ค Hereโs some Steemit Love to share with friends...
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Just want to say :)
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I am really sorry my dear friend ..
Such mistakes will not happen later..
I am totally new in steemit dear ..
As a result i am in mistake it ..๐ฐ๐ฐ๐ฐ๐ฐ
Please please please sorry sorry ..
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Great post! You could add, Happy Wife...Happy Life lol
Happy Valentine's Day!!
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Excellent reporting, definitely love is not measured by the monetary value of a gift, is measured by the attention you give to your partner and always be when you need
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Awesome post! I invite you to visit our blog and vote us back! And of course to enjoy our content :)
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Great! So.. yesterday i bought a rose to my lovely wife .. she had a problem with health and she was sleeping when i entered the room :)) i told her honey ... honey and she didn't answer me becouse she didn't know what i want to give her :))=) and after 3-4 times of try she saw the rose :))=) and obviously she kissed me and was very very happy for that rose :)
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Ini adalah bunga yang sangat spesial untuk perayaan hari Valentinesday
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Great post man will help me a lot with the wife
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I am a greedy wife, I want gifts plus a vacation too. No shortcuts......hahaha.
Just kidding, I know there's a lot of hype about these days, it's best to keep them simple.
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Life is one time offer, use it well
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I personally think you should look into the way she expresses love to you and reciprocate that. That way you won't spend tons of money for something she won't appreciate :)
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Hope so you enjoy your Valentine stay happy.
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One thing a woman love is someone that can read their mind without them verbally communicating (asking). Whether they tell you or not, there are key moments within a year that is highly important to them. During does moment, they want you to be with them expressing how you feel about them.
Some ladies prefer expressing your feelings towards them more than using action(gift) to show it.
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