What is the difference between validated learning and wastage? And how do you know beforehand?

in validatelearning •  6 years ago 

These are the questions should be arises when we usually take startup, these questions have much worth in startup world and i am presenting detail which may help you to understand and the idea of new view.

Validate learning: is a process in which you start with initial version of product and learn from the outcomes or results or feedbacks and adjust it based on decision. It helps you to understand thing more clearly on which you have applied and prevents you from wastage. 

A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.  -Michael LeBoeuf 

Wastage: is when you create a product on the bases of conversional or traditional methods (which may successful some time) based on your idea without observing or thinking about people or customer whether people or customer will like your product or not and whether your product is useful or not without thinking when we take startup like that then it may hardly a chance to be a successful but this type of strategy does not make sense to make our startup successful. 

Don't ever doubt yourselves or waste a second of your life. It's too short, and you're too special.  -Ariana Grande

Validate learning has great importance in startup world means when you are going to create a new product under the condition of extreme uncertainty then you apply validate learning instead of creating a whole product you firstly create initial product in which product has basic features and you give it to customer or sell it and collect feedback and learn thing and decide either the strategy of product should be pivot or persevere, based on the feedback you take decision. 

If you continue to creating a product without validate learning then the final product may cause the waste of time, money and hardworking, so it is better to know initial time that you are on the right track. 

In startups traditional or conventional methods of management are failed because startups required new techniques and special kind of management, may be you thinking right now what is traditional management? Right? it is old method in which first you research market that what thing customer wants and needed most in order to make life easier or for other purpose, this may cause whole product as a wastage of time and other things because you don’t know what actually customer want or what they are thinking or want to say but at the end it may cause heavy loss. Here startup management says 1stly create prototype of your product and then optimize your product using strategy to be pivoted or persevere based on the feedbacks. 

“Clear feedback is the cornerstone of improvement.”  -Sir David Brailsford, Team Sky General Manager 

Based on validate learning you can understand clearly what are the thing which customer want to see in your product it help you to prevent from wastage of valuable time, money and hardworking of your or your’s team. 

“Don’t worry about people stealing your design work. Worry about the day they stop.”  - Jeffrey Zeldman, A List Apart Publisher  
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