Mujeres !

in vamos •  5 years ago 

Many times it has happened to me that why the women I relate to and my thoughts are different from the * TV man * you are someone weird with little intellectual level and that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Captura de Pantalla 2020-07-20 a la(s) 19.12.34.png

I've heard and read it in many posts from other communities where men get to take antidepressants, alcohol just to feel a little better about themselves

Captura de Pantalla 2020-07-20 a la(s) 19.13.13.png

I leave the window open so that they do not feel bad, after observing for years I have realized that they are much more docile than men (scientist)


If you go to a store, the great mallory of products are built to your tastes or for them the mallorian economy in a city is driven by impulses of women

I leave this text in case you feel bad and think you are the worst just because you are a man who is worth little

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