Had My First Run-In With The Police Last Night

in vanlife •  7 years ago 

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I like to hang out at the pull offs down by the ocean (not the river). It’s illegal to park there from 12 am to 5 am. Yesterday I was pretty tired at around 9 pm so I headed down to park and take a nap for a bit. I do this because the area is nice and to avoid going to my overnight spot too early. I set my alarm so that I get up and move before 12 am.

Well last night I slept through the alarm, I vaguely remember shutting it off in my sleepy stupor. I woke up to knocking and calls from a police officer at 12:30 am. I could see flashing lights through my curtains. I opened the door to exit the vehicle and the officer was standing right there. He saw my sleeping quarters when I opened the door and seemed somewhat amused. He made some comment about having a tent back there or something.

After I exited my car, I saw that two police SUVs were surrounding me, one had a vehicle mounted spotlight aimed at me. The officer asked for my license and took it back to his vehicle. When he came back he just told me I couldn't park there from 12 am to 5 am. I didn't get a fine or anything but I'm probably on some list now. Also, I'm the only car out here with a NY license plate so it'll be easier for them to spot me in the future. I need to be more careful with my alarms.

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Two police SUV's? They must have been having a slow day.

Ya, I'm not really sure why he needed backup, haha.

Oh no! That's one of my biggest fears!!! Glad you didn't get fined!

Stay vigilant out there. But if you end up like me, it's not so bad.

Glad it was nothing more than a warning!

Me too

Oof. I'm glad it didn't result in any citations.

Ya, happy for that. I was doing so good, guess it was just a matter of time before I made a mistake.

That totally sucks. Had my first run-in with the police a few months ago. They thought I was smugglin' drugs inta a federal prison. Long story. ... Very nerve-wrackin'.

What the hell were you doing man? Haha. You have a link to that story or is it yet untold? On a serious note, that sucks but hopefully you got out of it without any major trouble.

Wasn't doin' nothin'. Just the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong state, Louisiana. No major trouble, but I don't care to repeat.