IT'S ALL OVER? The Vape Flavor Ban Is Real!!!

in vaping •  7 years ago  (edited)


The FDA wants to ban flavors for E-cigs as they say it promotes underage kids to start vaping and using nicotine. I say it is the parents job to make sure their kids are doing what they are supposed to and not the governments. We are big flavor chasers here in this family and it helps to be able to change up flavors every now and again.

Please go to this website and leave a comment for the FDA if you are a vaper or support vaping and let them know why and what restricting flavors would do to vapers. The different flavors and flavors in general keep me from smoking a cigarette. Here is the website!

We need to get more comments here and tell them why flavors for e-cigs is important to all of us vapers.
Thank you for your help in this matter and have a great night.


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Forget leaving comments. This is BS. I'm not even a vaper. I'm a person. The damn government has encroached into every single section of our lives and it has to stop. We all need to start acting like we care. We need to start pushing back. We need to get organized. We need to stop playing their game by THEIR rules. C'mon guys!

I dig it, and am right there with ya.
Let’s stop complaining and claiming a victim mentality.

What’s your strategy for getting organized?
I’m ready when we have a plan and are all on the same page.

Well, you and I are two people. Start with us. Me and you get on a telegram or some type of chat and plan out next steps. Then use Steemit and our connections to drum up like minded support. Then, plan live hangout meetings on YouTube or something and try and develop a network.

I think creating a list of questions that needs to be answered should be our first step. Then we put some context around those questions, and create a post for each one.

Then we tag some of the smartest people we know, and encourage them to engage with the post.

I see education as one of our most important tools, and Steemit fits beautifully into the paradigm shift. We just need to see it’s power, tap into it, and encourage others to do the same.

So - first question.

  1. What are we trying to achieve/ create?

Scottie, this makes sense.

Each of us will likely have different desired goals. However, through communication, we can find the overlap and seek something as a first-step. Plus, we will be more organized after this is complete.

What I want is: A cascading pushback to government encroaching its bounds. This means less regulation, less beaurocratic positions, less tax collection, and more freedom. Evverything is over regulated. Everything natural like growing food on your land and selling it is regulated to an insane level. The vape flavor regulation— governments telling us to accept their rules “for our own good” — I want the result of our saying “no” to their encroachment. I want freedom.

Does this answer the question? What do you want?

That’s a great answer! And I am for all of those things. What I want, is a happy, healthy, thriving planet, that values intelligence, creativity, and freedom.

How do you think your desired outcome is affected by government?

I’m into it.
Is telegram the best chat out there?

I have a discord account- should we form a group on there? I know they facilitate group chats.

Dischord might be a better interface but I’m concerned about a report I heard recently about their partnering with some government body to share chat data or something. I gotta find a link.

Oh man! I know plenty of people who quit smoking via vaping. Honestly. This is just a bunch of bologna!

BS for sure! Many of my friends have quit smoking cigarettes also and now they start this. I heard it is a new guy in charge of the FDA and I think he is testing the waters.

So are we going to start seeing pineapple vape juice on the black market?

Does anyone know how complicated it’d be to make your own vape juice? Screw regulations- let’s make an open source, organic vape juice recipe book.

Maybe we should make an essential oil line of vape juices that’ll interact with the lybic system and boost our mood, focus, and energy?

It is not hard to make your own juice for some of us. The information is all over the internet. Some people do have a hard time dealing with making it as that is why they buy it.

Just buy the flavor concentrates and make your own. Easy as that, and a 30ml bottle can be made for less than $1 usd so it saving you money at the same time.

It is much easier to make it in 120 ml batches as most tanks use quite a bit of e-juice quickly. 30 mil will not last long. I use RTA's so juice goes fast, new sub-ohm tanks use it fairly fast to using a 70/30 mix.

Exactly I run the tfv8 and have been for over a year. I only make 120ml bottles. Just using the 30ml as a reference.

Running the Smok Baby Beast, we ran them for a little while and some of my family still does. I run a Moonshot RTA and so does the wife. They use lots of fluid. My people are afraid of mixing the nicotine as they have heard the stories of people hurting themselves. It is all about being careful. I mix with 100 mg nicotine.