FDA Turns To Drugs To Help Solve Vaping Problem

in vaping •  6 years ago 

Too many young teens today are adopting the vaping habit and to tackle the problem the FDA wants to turn to drugs to help.

They say that vaping is unhealthy and since they've already demonstrated that they aren't opposed to young children being prescribed and consuming substances such as Oxycontin, it's no shock that they've signaled that they too would embrace drug solutions to this newfound vaping epidemic that they see.

The agency estimates that vaping use has increased with high school students at least 80 percent or more and health experts maintain that they are concerned that the vaping could be putting the development of their brains at risk. But there are many things that could put the development of a child at risk: living a sedentary lifestyle, eating too much junk food, not having enough emotional support, and so on.

Whether or not vaping might pose a threat to the individual is a decision that should not involve the government, the state does not own our bodies and we should be able to determine for ourselves our own medical and health decisions.

This agency has flooded the market with countless substances that have gone on to cause irreparable damage to many and at the same time they've also deprived individuals of choice by positioning themselves against a myriad of potentially helpful substances, including cannabis.

It's been previously estimated that tens of thousands of people have have lost their lives because of FDA policies that had prevented individuals from using various products or medical devices.

Not only that, but approved substances have also caused tremendous harm. Their actions have arguably fueled a great deal of pain and suffering for hundreds of thousands of people if not more, and here they are again looking to expand their control further by issuing threats to vape producers and ringing the alarm about how much they care for the health of the teens who are vaping. Give me a break.

This agency needs to be drastically reformed if not abolished entirely for the mess that it has become.

Medical experts now say that urgent drug therapies are needed for kids vaping today but what risks might those drugs pose? Is it possible that they could potentially cause even more damage than vaping might? Might they approve of a new drug that could later be pulled from the market because the risks were found to outweigh the benefits?

The choice of whether or not an individual is going to vape should be a decision that rests with that person alone (or with their parents depending on age), not one that involves a group of federal bureaucrats trying to decide what might be best for them.

pic 1 T Ayazo via RD
pic 2 - medium
pic 3 - Desert Hope

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Swapping one addiction for another, especially for financial gain by the drugs industry is not the way. People should realise that organisation such as the FDA are not here to protect peoples health. They are there to promote the drugs industry.

@doitvoluntarily hello dear friend, thank you very much for sharing this news.
I agree with the expression that the government should not decide that we should ingest for our welfare
I wish you a good start to the week

I didn´t know about this new drug twist but it better explains their public opinion campaigns and actions.

The FDA was able to con congress into granting them ¨extended powers¨ which has led to this and other issues that are just a taste of what´s to come.

You are correct. We, as in everyone in some capacity- MUST contribute to the suppression of FDA overreach. It´s going to be a long war with many battles so we just have to own it. US citizens in particular. Consumer advocacy groups are one avenue and they need funding as well as active, well timed community action- writing letters, calls etc.. I do this as an advocate for continued access to pure kratom products. Working with others, we´ve had a huge impact.

(paragraph edited for correction and may vary depending on case and data provided:) Up to 1/3 of he FDA budget is funded by the drug application approval process. 3.5M for application review + annual 500,000 USD / year throughout the ten year approval process. A banned product that is later submitted, seeking approval must go through this process before it can return to market if it passes so banning products that are widely used, .. while bringing medical treatment into position as in this case, is profitable strategy.

Now it gets interesting... When President Trump came into office he appointed Dr. Scott Gottlieb to be comissioner of the FDA, he was placing the pharmaceutical industry itself into that position. The conflicts of interest are blatant. Dr. Gottlieb´s career path includes leadership positions at two pharma giants and held / (may still in some capacity) hold seats as Chairman of the Board at same.

This agency is pushing drugs through at excellerated pace that are designed to take the place of every product that they are campaigning to demonize and put out of business as they have been doing with kratom.
Everyone deserves to have access to products that represent harm reduction or alternatives to medical treatments. That freedom is at dire risk as of - Yesterday.

Everyone will encounter a time when the value of Choice will be seen for what it is after having been taken for granted. The pharma owned FDA is counting on mainstream lack of awareness.

"3 TRILLION dollars PER drug applying for approval."


While I agree with your sentiment, and that the FDA is coopted by Big Pharma into being little more than a marketing department for their drugs which needs to be abolished, it is physically impossible that $3T is spent on each new drug FDA approves.

Honestly, there isn't enough money in the world to do this for all the drugs the FDA has approved.

Please math better.

The FDA was created to defend US citizens from bad food and drugs. It no longer is capable of doing either, and hasn't for a long time, since it has been utterly corrupted by Big Pharma. Since it is a government agency it has a monopoly on defending Americans from bad drugs and food, and since it isn't doing that anymore because it's corrupt, Americans are being harmed by bad drugs and food. This is why it needs to be abolished.

Since we are free people who bear the responsibility of protecting themselves, we can do so by privately and collectively funding testing on drugs and food. When tests reveal that a drug or food product is harmful, we can pursue tort actions against the manufacturer(s). Since we are the consumers of drugs and food - the market for these products - who will be harmed by them, we CANNOT be bribed to accept them by Big Pharma.

Government rhetoric is dangerous, even fatal, when corruption is actual reality, and government doesn't do what it says it does.

We don't need it, because we can do it ourselves. We can't be corrupted, because we'll get the cancer (or whatever) from bad products, so allowing government to pretend to protect us IS THE ONLY WAY to harm us with bad products.

Freedom isn't safe, but it's safer than being slaves.


I stand corrected. This helps, thank you. Soon after commenting, I finally got around to listening to a recorded Georgia Legislature session where AKA chairman (American Kratom Assn.) stated figures I used to revise. Itś still second hand knowledge but reasonable to assume that he is within accurate range. Perfect timing.

I am happy to find another person that is seeking evidence necessary to inform their actions regarding given matters. Given the impact of food and drug industries, it's hard to better target such education.


In the end the drugs to solve The Vaping problem will probably be just as harmful if not more so than vaping itself. Perhaps big Pharma season opportunity to make money at the expense of teens. Usually drugs are nothing more than a Band-Aid approach and a money grab. Thanks for sharing.

Feels like the entire establishment system is putting pressure on us all at once from all angles...

How much money does it take to buy off the FDA?

wow this is so terrible to see more drugs used to combat other. The only real successful way to combat vaping would be education and better education! We have free markets but when it comes to our children and their safety, I think we shall get smart here.

we don't currently have free markets?..

In the United States, vaping and electronic cigarettes have almost no regulations which you could consider a free market but when youth are exposed to it even more than cigarettes and how much easier they are to use then we have a problem.