I did a Google Scholar search on "varicocele" and the following keywords... The results shocked me!
There are a total of 7,810 publications on "Varicocele".
2145 Results include the terms "Varicocelectomy" or "Surgery".
(26% of all results!)
Only 12 Results on Varicocele + Prevention, 9 of which are from 20+ years ago! (0.14%)
Varicocele + Lifestyle: Only 1 Result! From 2008...! (0.012%)
Varicocele + Diet: ZERO RESULTS!!! (0%)
Varicocele + Nutrition: Only ONE result, and it's an irrelevant citation from 1880! (0.012%)
Varicocele + Yoga: Nothing...! (0%)
Varicocele + Physical Activity: Only 2 results, one discussing varicocelectomy (surgery). (0.025%)
What information do you think that your doctor bases the decision to recommend varicocelectomy on?
There is a complete lack of attention to varicocele prevention and potential alternatives to varicocele surgery.
Learn more: varicocelehealing.com & varicohealth.com