The second me and Viagra too great achievements of modern science. I have always wanted to get one done at an early age. Never really wanted kids. My daughter my Superstar was The Unwanted result of horny usefulness. I can honestly say I had very little connection at first to my daughter. I was working insane hours as a dock worker when she was born. 10 through 12 hours on 8 hours off day and night. The drive back and forth an hour commute each way. 7 days a week a walking zombie at the time. I remember walking into are two bedroom apartment after a shift. My wife at the time asking I feed my daughter before I passed out. I mindlessly wandered into the kitchen pulled fresh pumped breast milk from the fridge filled a bottle, warmed it tested it and handed it to my newborn child. Unable to do anything for herself. I picked her up and fed her. Burped her and changed her before passing out and my on bed. Only to wake 4 hours later to get ready for my shift again. My bond with my Superstar hit me like a freight train a few months later. The moment she was able to roll over on her own look up at me with her piercing blue eyes and wave her arms in a silent gesture to be held by me. Her dad. I was sung from that moment on. My daughter my world. Shortly after she was born her mother and I separated an ugly divorce and custody battle went on for 8 years. I never wanted to bring another child into this world again to go through with my daughter had to go through in life.
Vasectomy and Viagra
2 years ago by themadmanslife (29)