Vaxxed 2 comes out today. Get your tickets now!!!

in vaxxed2 •  5 years ago 


I believe this is only a one time deal so DON'T MISS OUT!!!

Get your tickets here. Type in your zipcode and it will show you the closest theater locations near you that the movie will be showing:

I would imagine there will be other sneak previews at later dates but I don't know yet. The producers are being very discreet about this film due to the fact that Big Pharma doesn't want you to learn the TRUTH about Vaccines and their sick lawless Nazi Eugenics program taking place in this country. Big Pharma, keeping you and your family sick and cancerous for profit.

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."
~Thomas Jefferson

In case you missed last weeks post about the movie you can view it here:

Stay informed and stay safe and DON'T VACCINATE!!!


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I hope that it comes to Canada soon, to a theatre near me.

Most likely I'll have to wait until it comes out on DVD or when it can be Streamed online.

Howdy @Canadian-Coconut! I hope it does too. I would imagine Del Bigtree will have it streamed to watch online for free like the first movie. I think Canada has it even worse when it comes to these vaccines so Canadians should see this movie as well. I hope this movie links Bill Gates talking about how he is wanted in India for illegally vaccinating thousands of young girls resulting in the deaths of over 700 of them.

No, the USA definitetely has it worse than Canada does as far as vaccines go.
Our children get a few less than you do, and thank God they aren't pushing a vaccine (Hep B) on the first day of life here.

Also, your mandates and lack of exemptions are way worse there.
Unfortuntately though, we are starting to head the same direction as the USA,
unless we stand up now and start protesting early on, before it gets that bad.

I was just at a protest last week, as my province has just imposed their first step in the direction of mandates.

Looking forward to hearing the latest!

WOW! Good for you @Canadian-Coconut! I would love to organize a protest like this here where I'm at. Especially when it comes to the Hep B vaccine. Thanks for reminding me about that! I'm going to do more homework regarding other countries when it comes to this and compare. I know Argentina is trying to force mandate vaccines right now trying to prevent people from renewing their Driver's Licenses and/or get a job, etc, if they don't get themselves vaccinated. So far I think Japan is the biggest anti-vaxx country.

Not showing in Colorado 😑

Darn that sucks. It goes to show you who owns Colorado.

Definitely big pharma. Did you see green solutions just sold to a big Canadian firm, that is like walmart comi g i. And closing down the small shops.

No I didn't hear about that. It doesn't surprise me. You all got 5G nuking the shit out of you too there in Denver. If you must stay in Colorado I'd avoid Denver.


Big Pharma, DUH!