Had a fun day and tried a new vegan product. :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in vegan •  7 years ago 

Had a pretty awesome day yesterday!
Went on a really nice hike with my friend, there was a good sunset and temperature was just perfect and I haven't been getting outside enough lately so it was great.
Hung out with him and talked for a while and watched some South Park, was good times.

Also.. I noticed a new vegan mozzarella cheese at the store! And.. I'm not even the biggest fan of mozzarella.
I've generally liked the orange cheeses a lot more, (outside of swiss, I liked swiss a lot) though.. I have to say.. It tasted to me not even just as good as real mozzarella cheese, but even better.

My goodness.. I had the most delicious meal of nachos with both cheddar and mozzarella, spicy black beans, vegan hotdogs, lettuce, salsa, guacamole, vegetable rice..
So good. So fucking good. Don't think I could ever get tired of that meal.
Plus it melts like real cheese too, it's just.. Beautiful. Heh.

Err.. I don't even know why I would use the word beautiful cause I'm trying to mimic the taste of animal tit juice. LOL.
It's so weird to me.. But.. I admit I grew up on the typical diet and I liked certain items more than others and I liked cheeses especially for nachos and pizza and things like that..

So I guess it's just one of those habits that's kinda hard to break, I do sorta like the taste of cow tit juice and meats. I admit it.
Though.. I'm not sure that was a natural thing or if it was just conditioned into me because of society and culture.

These days, if I find there's animal products in something I've been eating, it makes it very difficult for me to continue eating it.
I'm pretty grossed out now by these things, but I admit.. I used to like such things, and.. On some level I still would if I had to go back to eating animal products.

Yet.. More and more thinking I'm probably going to be vegan for life..
My only concern is teeth health, and right now.. I'm maintaining my oral health.. So.. It would have to get significantly worse for me to have to change my diet back to animal products.

I won't 100% rule it out, but.. I think I'll be fine. I see all these people in like 3rd Nations who can't even afford to go to a dentist!
And there's tons of vegans doing just fine, so I mean.. Just seems unlikely.. But.. I'm trying to be open minded and actually..
You know.. Maybe there might be something else besides teeth, maybe science will show some other really vital or important thing about animal products..

I just really doubt it, people have been living like this for thousands of years, and our Paleo and ape relatives ate/eat similar.
It's been tested throughout time, it's nothing new. But.. We still keep learning new things with modern science, so I'll reserve my absolute statements as much as I can.

Oh also, last thing.. A friend suggested I try not using toothpaste anymore, cause there's silica and perhaps other stuff in there not so great.
I had been using natural non fluoride ones for a long time.. Yet, I've been brushing recently with just coconut oil and I feel like.. It's working well.

I'm thinking about trying to add a few other ingredients to make my own toothpaste, does anyone who manages to read all this have any experience in this area?
Do you know any good ingredients to put into toothpaste?
I already googled it a lil, but always enjoy hearing other peoples opinions either way.

Anyways.. That's enough for now. Peace and talk to you laters internet peoples!

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Didnt think vegans ate cheese...

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, but.. It was a plant substitute. Cheddar is made out of almonds.. I'm not sure what the mozzarella is.. I should check!

Ahh... yeah... I love cooking with almond milk... Works well in place of all milk around here... and it seems to keep better than typical dairy. Kudos to enlightening my savage mind.

Word. Kudos to you as well for being open minded, respectful and receptive. :)

Sutvuve how you choose my friend.

Maybe add activated charcoal?
I normally just dip my wet toothbrush into it and brush my teeth with that.

I tried charcoal before but then I looked into it a bit deeper and wasn't sure I should be brushing with that either.. There are some concerns about the charcoal if you look.

Be a vegan is not an easy task! But you manage it perfectly!


You really had a good time my dear friend. I am happy for you atleast in between the life hustle and bustle you are making your days.