"veganism" from a vegan's perspective

in vegan •  7 years ago 

I've seen posts recently (on Steemit, FaceBook, YouTube, MSM, pop culture, etc) which mention veganism in order to say something negative about it. Almost like there's something inherently funny about people who don't use animal products. It seems, vegans are an easy target. One of the last groups, along with cannabis users, it's still safe to publicly denigrate. Vegans: the punchline to any joke.

Nothing wrong with that. It's freedom of speech, baby!

Nevertheless, it has spurred me to post about it. Being grouped together with millions of other people and slandered, unnecessarily, is a shit move. Am I "vegan"? Probably not by the official definition, but by your definition, I probably am. Like other private parts of me (sexuality, beliefs, etc) I don't force my views on anyone else. In fact, I rarely talk about them.

From my perspective?

Almost the whole industrialized world is brainwashed into believing certain sentient birds and mammals are made of "meat", and are therefore food. 99% of all North American and European meat is produced in massive factory farms, not idyllic natural grasslands of happiness as the advertisement would have us believe. It's a disgusting, unhealthy, cruel, unnecessary act. Humans don't need other animals' flesh to survive, nor to thrive. Meat eating is a cultural, religious, and social construct which today has little or no valid place. Many will look back with sadness and regret on the sheer volume of harm they caused.


A friend of mine posted that yesterday, with the caption "yum yum who's coming over tonight?", and it was wildly popular.

When I see something like that, I see a gutted corpse in bondage. It doesn't look like food, or something that will become food when heated. To me, that's death. It's decomposing animal flesh, along with a skeleton, connective tissues, and nervous system. An animal smarter than your dog and with all the same feelings, raised in an unnatural place, fed chemicals and hormones, slaughtered in a terrifying and painful way, "cleaned out", shaved, tied up, and put in a roasting pan. To me, that's an innocent, with her eyes gouged out and organs removed, made a commodity and served to already overweight people who paid $125. A clever, unique personality - a person - literally butchered for profit. In this photo, I see the glorification of extremely bad behaviour. Normalized murder, literally.

And to me, the dairy industry is probably the worst of all. Sadly, I continued my dairy addiction for YEARS after quitting meat, believing the "happy cow" myth. I wish I'd stopped milk products much sooner. The dairy industry revolves around factory workers repeatedly raping the females from a very young age to keep them pregnant and lactating their entire shortened, painful lives. Their babies are aware from birth when they're taken away, the males to be killed as "veal" and the females to be raped forever like their moms. They age rapidly and are hung by their feet and cut open to bleed out, then dropped in the grinder to become "ground beef". Cows raised 'only' for their flesh have it relatively good.

I see otherwise conscious, intelligent, and peaceful people eating... cheeseburgers. They know it required pain and suffering to create. They know the nutrients in it could easily be obtained from plants. They know animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of environmental issues and species loss. They know it's unhealthy for them. But they continue to do it anyway. They are, literally, brainwashed.

It may sound extreme from your perspective, but that's honestly how it feels from mine.

So yeah, when people slander all vegans as "annoying", "stupid", and "arrogant", it upsets me because I know they're wrong, and I won't be able to reach them. Maybe some who read this are able to see it from my perspective. If you believed what I believe, and felt how I feel, how would you react to being stereotyped?

You know why I think many of those people are making anti-vegan posts? Because they feel guilty. They won't admit that, of course, but deep down they've made the connection and realized what they're doing is wrong, but they're putting off doing what they know they need to do.

It's hard to change, but we need to change. I believe that within 5 years, the majority of planet Earth will shift toward a plant-based lifestyle. And that is hugely positive and exciting for me! The products in the grocery stores are changing. People's way of talking about food is changing. I've even seen some change in the propaganda the government and media is putting out - they're not pushing meat nearly as much nowadays! It's coming.


To you, who considers the response "BUT BACON!!", I've already heard that one.

And yeah, it's probably your guilt that causes you to react that way. And if that's how you feel, and you want to make jokes, disregard facts, and shrug veganism off, go for it. If you think "you're trying to shove veganism down my throat", am I really shoving anything down your throat? Or am I just saying what I believe to be true? I'm open to being corrected, so if I'm wrong, please show me specifically how, and I'll surely investigate. Let's debate. But I'm up on my nutritional research, so you better be too. And if you react by feeling attacked, when you actually haven't been, maybe you need to examine yourself and find out why.

Again, no need to be triggered, especially if what I'm saying doesn't apply to you. I'm only in search of the truth, and liberty for all.

How I'd like to frame this post is as an open discussion. A peaceful, neutral, and transparent conversation zone. An opportunity for ANYONE to ask genuine questions, of anyone else. Debate something I've said. Ask a question. Post your thoughts or experiences.

Remember, there was a time before you knew the entire world economy was a lie, that gold prices are manipulated, that the system is rigged against the people, and that evil bankster elites basically rule the world.

But you woke up.

And now, an opportunity for you to wake up SOME MORE. A plant-based lifestyle is your natural state. It's how you're healthiest, how you're happiest, and how you fit in with the planet Earth best. You've been misled and conditioned to believe factory farm corporations are ethically creating animal flesh for you, and that it's important you continue eating it. But you're snapping out of it now, despite how normalized meat eating is. You're a free thinker. You've seen the facts, you've used logic to make the connections, and you can put that into action. It's not too late to change, it never is. But believe me, the sooner the better. Even a small step helps, as long as you're going the right way.

I'd be THRILLED to genuinely and honestly answer questions and help people who want it. If you only want to be negative and aren't open to learning, please don't bother.

If you feel attacked, please be assured that I didn't mean it that way. Consider looking into what's making you so defensive about this topic! Then...

Let's eat!


From a guy who spent his teens working at Domino's Pizza and considered himself an expert on cheese, the non-dairy cheeses out there nowadays are AMAZING. Very similar to traditional cheese made from cow breastmilk, in terms of flavour. The texture is really what they've perfected, though. That dense, chewy texture when fresh and cold, and the melty stretchy texture when hot. If you haven't tried any non-dairy cheese in a while, do yourself a favour and try some.

Veganism is revolutionary! Not just because it's a major change from the way things have been, but because it's a way every person can have a huge (and immediate) positive impact! Change your food, change the way you think. And when we change the way we think, we change our world.

I think I'm just ahead of the curve on this (not wrong). Please keep using that brilliant analytical mind of yours, and investigate further, don't deny the connection you've made. This is the way we're going as a species, and it's the right way. Some of the old ways of doing things, like raising other intelligent animals as conscious nutrient sources, are ending. Hooray! :)

I honestly mean this in no disrespect to anyone, and I encourage dialogue.
Peace <3

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That dead pig looks disgusting, but the alive pig and the dog are so cute. Thanks for the pic, it reminds us how similar they are.

My girlfriend made the move to vegetarianism when we went on our trip out west to Vancouver Island, it all started with a pact to not go to mcdonalds the whole trip and it transformed into vegetarianism and striving for a form of veganism. Dairy products really mess with her complexion because of the hormones the cows are fed we figure.
As for my self I've had a bit more trouble with the transition but am slowly making progress one day at a time. After watching so many documentaries on how the food industry is run that's all I really need to think of to be disgusted by a piece of processed animal on my plate. Include the fact that my doctor has me on a low sodium diet, meat is really not that great of an option for me anyways since most of it is processed with a bunch of extra salt as a preservative(along with almost any non raw food).
Which brand of vegan cheese do you use? I'm not a big fan of the Freyda brand,its not bad but something puts me off of it. We don't have, much for options on meat and cheese substitutes where is live so we usually have to go to the city and even then it can sometimes be a challenge. Although I am noticing a more and more options as time goes on.

So awesome. Making progress is really where it's at. My buddy DISL Automatic calls it "getting big" when the progress is toward more consciousness, such as with changing how we eat/buy/dress/consume. It's very very hard to go all at once, even if you've seen "the videos" (or even visited a slaughterhouse in operation). Meat is part of our culture, our history, every part of our society. It's wrong, but that's how it is, so going against that is going against the tide. That's why I have big love and respect for anyone doing it! Just keep on your path, make the changes that make sense to you, as you continue to learn and understand the meat industry, nutrition, spirituality, and so on. Whatever path you're on, at least cutting back is a first step. That's reducing the amount of harm you're doing... it doesn't take a lot of effort on our part sometimes to save a few lives, to prevent a month of suffering. And even if you're not doing it "for the animals", doesn't matter, there are many valid reasons. I know and have talked to quite a few doctors and researchers, including high level nutritionists, and a LOT of them end up vegan. Not because of the animals, but because they're intelligent people who have access to the information, and it tells them a plant based lifestyle is the healthiest and most logical. Even if you hate other animals and think they should all suffer and die. :p (not suggesting you're that way lol)
I don't know if you have Daiya there but it's excellent. They've continually upgraded all their products over the past few years, not that they were bad to begin with. Their cheeses are great. They don't use palm oil, which for vegans is kind of important because most palm oil is grown in unsustainable farms created by burning down orangutan habitats. They use far healthier and more nutritious (and ethical) fats. Blocks, slices, shreds. I've tried a few others that were decent but Daiya takes my vote right now. I have a feeling they're just regional though so you may not have access :(
I usually skip meat substitutes like "tofurkey" or whatever the hell it is. When I need to replace meat, I ask myself what about the meat am I after? Is it the protein and iron? Beans, peas etc do a good job at that. Or the texture? Go for mushrooms, nuts, avocado, etc. If it's the FLAVOUR of the meat I'm after, well, to be honest I've kind of lost my appetite for that taste.
Except some seafood, like prawns. Strangely I still like a good garlic prawn. I also don't find the idea of certain birds meat unappealing. If I was a wild human and I caught a bird, yeah I'd probably roast and eat it. But in modern society, no, I don't want any bird. And certainly no mammal, the idea makes me do a little involuntary squirm to be honest! No appetite for my fellow mammals anymore.
One note on taste. Some "meat' tastes are actually not from the meat at all, they're from everything we DO to the meat. Marinades, rubs, roasting juices, bbq sauce, salt, pepper, garlic, and so on, it's all vegan. Occasionally I'll make something plant based I can cook that way or put some bbq sauce on. Hits the spot all the same :)
Holy shite I can ramble!

Awesome post, DRutter! I've been vegetarian for like 6 years now, and eat almost entirely vegan. With that said, I think there's something to the argument that "there's no such thing as being entirely vegan" due to grain combines killing small mammals, as well as the fact that tires, plastic bags, crayons and condoms all containing animal biproducts (and I'm sure the list goes on)

Additionally, some vegan products (like palm oil) devastate animals habitats.

I guess what I'm saying is: Do your best, avoid animal cruelty whenever possible, and eat a plant based diet, but don't dedicate your entire life to pursuing whether or not the batteries in your TV remote are gelatin free, acknowledge nuance and understand that noone's perfect.

Society will catch up eventually, and more and more things will become available. I've seen enormous changes in the past 6 years alone that lead me to believe vegan food will only get better and more widely available, if for no other reason than market pressure.

Hoping they have Beyond Meat in Canada. That shit's next level!


Hey Chris, big love and respect fam! Thanks for your post :)
I'm in complete agreement about doing our best and not wasting too much time worrying about micro-nuances. It's why I have issues with the definitions of vegan and vegetarian. And why I said most readers would consider me a vegan but I'm not by the dictionary definition. For example I'd eat honey from natural honeybees, but I don't actually need to because I have a great source of organic agave nectar and it's delicious. I also don't believe bird eggs are inherently harm-causing. Eggs from birds kept as pets and/or insect-control on a homestead, for example. Those would be natural, organic, harm-free sources of protein and nutrients. But that's SO not vegan. I wonder, would a true vegan kill off a bedbug infestation, or just move to avoid having to harm an animal? You can't get rid of them without killing them, because they need to nest close to where YOU nest (your bed, couch, etc). They're parasites, essentially small crawling vampires, that visit in the night for blood, then return home to have sex and digest blood. They carry illnesses and cause infection and other complications. They're not like mosquitoes where you can just run away, or shoo it outside. You're a bedbug's only food source. They won't leave unless you do, or you kill them. They're essentially a land version of prawn, with a little nervous system, a gut, and so on. What's a vegan to do?
So yeah, a lot of it is pointless. The main thing for me is preventing as much harm as possible. Hopefully posts like this help!
I'm definitely palm oil free though. Companies are learning buyers skip palm oil products now, and are coming out with truly vegan conscious products in a mainstream way. At least around here!

I'd like to thank the followers who asked me to make this post. Thank you!
They also asked me for my top 3 tips for people going vegan or thinking about it.

  1. Go at your own pace, even if that's slowly. It's more than just a diet, it's a lifestyle change, so give yourself some time. Do what seems easiest and most natural first, and continually re-evaluate your progress and how it makes you feel. Learn about general nutrition (and your specific body's needs) as you go. Each change you make will naturally lead to more. Rather than trying to go all the way in one day, go at the pace you know you'll be able to handle.
  2. Don't mess with meat replacement products. They tend to be processed and unhealthy, as well as unnecessary. I'm talking about "tofu burgers", soy hot dogs, and so on. Gross. Tofu isn't food, are you insane? Get yourself some real food! Fries, pasta, stir fry, burritos, pizza, cookies, curry, rice, salads, fruit, hemp hearts, avocado, nuts, berries, lasagna, sushi, cereal, ice cream, sandwiches, popcorn, and chili! There's no shame in it, if it's vegan! And you can eat as often as you feel hungry, usually while staying fit.
  3. If you don't already, make everything you eat yourself. No more processed stuff and no more fast food. Instead, eat all the delicious stuff I mentioned above, and anything else that's made with plants! (And fungi, algae, etc.... just not intelligent animals!) You'll understand food better, you'll get better and faster at making great meals, and you'll enjoy eating even more than before. Veganism isn't about eating food you hate - that's a myth! I love food, and I've never been as satisfied with eating as I have since going vegan.

Hey DRutter. Do you have discord by chance? A few of us cannabis posters are looking at creating a cannabis community with a banner and tagline that will receive a curation trail. Let me know if you'd be interested in joining the initiative.