If you are not a vegan, you should watch this video

in vegan •  6 years ago  (edited)

And if you still want to eat meat and dairy, then go for it, but at least you know where its coming from.

Be informed.

I'm a recent Vegan (mostly raw) and not looking back. Feel healthier than I have in years.

Table of Contents:

Intro 00:00:00
Pigs 00:04:05
Eggs 00:23:19
Broilers 00:30:49
Turkeys 00:41:12
Ducks 00:45:29
Cows 00:53:03
Sheep 01:11:07
Goats 01:17:18
Fish 01:21:57
Rabbits 01:26:47
Minks 01:29:23
Foxes 01:30:56
Dogs 01:32:22
Horses 01:37:58
Camels 01:40:44
Mice 01:42:16
Exotic Animals 01:43:49
Seals & Dolphins 01:46:11
Conclusion 01:49:16
Credits 01:55:32

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If you are considering a plant based diet at least consider both sides of the argument carefully and don't just emotionally react to this shocking video and let that scare you into eating plants.

There are some seriously negative health impacts to neglecting adding animal foods to your diet.

Animal foods which we have evolved to eat and are essential for our bodies.

Plants simply don't provide all of the nutrition we need.

Furthermore plants actively try to poison us with toxins, they don't want to be eaten. These toxins will, over time, accumulate in your body and ruin your health.

But, it's your choice, eat what you want.

I don't advocate the torture or cruel treatment of any animal, it's up to us as a species to respect them, but also realise we are animals ourselves, apex predators and it is our responsibility to ensure that they are treated and slaughtered humanely with little to no suffering at all.

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Just some of those toxins. Factory farming is unsustainable, but so is agriculture. We need to take back the priaries for the grazing herds of bison in American and millions of Buffalo 🐃 in Africa.

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Exactly, ruminids will regreen the deserts and feed the world. Plant farming breaks down topsoil and destroys the environment.

I've seen that about animals contributing to soil restoration to regreen deserts. It's awesome what they've been able to do in South Africa and Lebanon. Even though I eat a whole-foods plant-based diet I would like to see more of that. The question in my mind however is whether or not the right balance of animals to support the land is equal to the demand for meat, and if not, do we have extra land to spare? A drive across Montana would suggest to me that we do have some to spare, however, utilizing it effectively would mean ending big corporate crony capitalism: and who knows if it's possible to do that without ending up with something even worse. The same political-economic issue is the only reason we see soil depletion due to vegetable farming; we all know it can be done sustainably, indefinitely.

Take a look at this image, all the yellow land can be regreened and all of it will need cattle to do so, millions of them. Grass feeds on urine, manure and rotting carcusses.

We can increase food production immensely in Africa to make famine and poverty history.

For me killing another intelligent sentient being for food is too much.

Industrial agricultural farming is depleting the topsoil across the entire globe.

The demand for vegan and vegetarian products such as wheat, soy, rice and corn is increasing, accelerating the erosion of the topsoil.

Without the topsoil being alive and healthy food will not grow.

Without healthy topsoil plants, insects, ruminids, birds and countless other species of animals will perish and so will millions of people.

Meat heals the body and once enough people realise the truth, we'll use ruminids to replenish the Earth and make it green again.

Death is a part of life, you can't escape that fact by eating a salad.


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Veganism kills more people and animals than meat eating does.

Maybe more rodents and insects get killed IF our vegetables come from big corporate farms that do everything with machines. However, that is not the way we want to do things, and I think I speak for a large segment of this community, when I say that we prefer to purchase vegetables that come from small, organic, sustainable, eco-friendly farms. Ultimately, that is the best answer for the planet, because it would combine the best usage of land with the healthiest practices. (Incidentally, raising cattle requires many times more acreage to feed an equivalent amount of people, particularly if you want to avoid desertification of the land.)

Wrong, a hectare of grassland if used for animals to feed on produces more energy for humans than plants could ever do. 1000 calories from plants takes a lot more area than does 1000 calories from cattle. Rainforests are being decimated for the planting of crops used for human consumption.

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I guess we have quite different information. I've seen back yards grow enough food to feed a family year round. And having grown up around farms, I've seen that just a few cattle require dozens of acres and still need to be supplemented with feed. Not sure where you got your information, but I got mine from observation and experience. By the way, when you start your sentence with "Wrong", you sound like Trump.

I'm not talking about back yards, I'm talking about industrial monocrop farming. Which accounts for the majority of crops grown on Earth.

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Fair enough, but I think I've made it clear that I'm not in favor of big industrial farming, and am quick to agree that it is an environmental and public health concern. My favoritism of a plant-based diet does not require me to support bad farming practices.

That is correct. Watch, "what the health" on youtube.

Muy bien

Mostly meat diet saved my life.

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Do you work for the meat and dairy industry?


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My fore father's where all sheep farmers from the east coast of South Africa.

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agree with this so much

You are brainwashed. There's no micronutrient you can can find in animal products that you can't get from plant based products. How do animals get their nutrients? they eat plants. You just get a bunch of other shit that you don't need like exogenous cholesterol.

We evolved as frugivores.

Mike Vlasaty is a Fruitarian that deadlifts 3X his bodyweight. That is something most of meat eating powerlifters can not do.

Ruminids such as cows can't digest plants on their own, in order to get any nutrition from them they have a sophisticated digestive system that is highly adapted to processing plant matter.

Even then the cow doesn't digest the food, it uses highly acidic fluids and bacteria to do that job before any nutrient extraction occurs.

Fibre is indigestible.

The bioavailabilty of plants compared to animals is abismal, even then the vitamins provided by plants are in such low quantities you'd need to constantly eat all day to get anywhere near close the amount the body needs.

You are brainwashed, look at Mike Vlasaty deadlifting 3X his bodyweight on a Fruit based diet.

So what?

Some guy who can lift weights doesn't prove anything about the nutrient deficiency of a plant based diet.

Plus the majority of vegans eventually quit due to their health breakdowns.

Veganism slowly kills you.

We are not frugivores.


Our Digestive systems are much different than those of meat eaters and omnivores. We have a very long digestive system. Meat putrefies by the time it gets through. Carnivores have a much shorter digestive system. Physiologically we are not designed to eat meat. Ours is built like a herbivore.


30 feet.jpg

Our Digestive tract is 30 Feet in length, don't believe the industry funded not-drawn-to-scale images.

Actually wrong again, we have short digestive tracks more closely aligned to carnivores than our herbivore ancestors.

Those drawings are about as silly as Ernst Hackel's drawings of embryos and prove about as much. If you measure the alimentary canals of humans compared to most carnivores properly, ours are about twice as long.

Those are not drawn to scale, do your own research that isn't tainted. You are looking at all meat and dairy biased drawings and videos.

The drawings on "what the health" are more accurate.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I've compiled a playlist of videos on various topics, including the carnivore vs omnivore dillema.

My understanding is as follows:
The main problems with industrial farming are a.) our needs are satisfied at a cost of suffering of billions of conscious beings and b.) industrial farming produces meats/fish of low quality filled with toxins, anti-biotics, and of low nutritional value.

On the flip side, non-industrial animals are a rich source of highly bio-available nutrients, and thus preferable to plant based diets.

animals are a rich source of highly bio-available nutrients, and thus preferable to plant based diets.

Science disagrees. I won't get into this here at but eventually.

Hello @teamsteem the loser who flagged your comment (he flags all my comments) has a post that can flagged here https://steemit.com/tlahuelilpan/@rihanna3/tlahuelilpan

I don't agree with the bioavailability idea. We evolved as frugivores. Nothing has changed in the last 10k years.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I happen to be unable to digest 95% of fruits :(

It took me 6 months of eating a high fruit diet before I could properly digest grapes. Reshaping the gut microbiome doesn't happen quickly. I think most people have the wrong kind of gut microbiome from eating the wrong foods their entire lives.

@ivanstrength You just opened a can of worms on the trending page hahaha good luck, I must say though, this is definitely a conversation starter hahaha TRUCE :)

Interesting but very very delicate topic, and I do not have enought technical knowledge, to form a proper opinion, but thanks for sharing

shifting to being vegan will no make you healthy. It's depends on how you take the diet.

Oops, it's 2-hour long video.

I put in the table of contents for you, so you can skip to any part you want.

It's pretty sick the way that meat is factory farmed alright; but I have to admit, I didn't go Vegan for that reason. I chose Vegan a little over a year ago because the health risks of eating animal proteins became unacceptable to me once I got sufficient information. I see there are some comments here from people claiming that a meatless diet comes with health risks: however, I will point out that the plant-based diet is the ONLY diet ever scientifically proven to completely reverse heart disease. Furthermore, I will mention to them that animal proteins come with endotoxins and are so acid forming that the body is forced to withdraw calcium out of the bones in order to buffer those acids when they hit our bloodstreams (otherwise we would die) contributing to osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
In any case, the proof is within me. I've never felt better, I've had more energy, improved bowel regulation, and I haven't been sick once since I began eating my whole-foods plant-based diet.
You guys that love the meats and have bought the keto campaign should really give this a try for a little while. Expand your veggie profile with organic whole foods for a few months and tell me you don't feel more peaceful inside your body.
You're welcome!

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So vitamin D and Vitamin B12, those are known issues. Supplement if you think it's important. I personally haven't been supplementing at all and feel good. B12 growns in plant soil, so if some of the dirt is on organic plants that I eat I get it that way. We get vitamin D from the sun.

Our body makes EPA/DHA from plant based ALA.

The bio availability argument is nonsense.

There's no supplements that can match our ancestral diet. You'll see that for yourself in years to come.

You think we were killing animals with our bare hands on the ancestral diet? Does a raw animal look good to you?

You are a clear case of successful paleo/atkins marketing. You prob believe that caveman ate butter too lmao 🤣🤣

Annie Osborne has been on a strict botanical fruit diet for 30 years and her blood markers are as good as it gets.

Dr. Atkins, promoted high fat and meat products. He died of a heart attack.

Anyway, I'm done with this conversion.

We don't and didn't use our bare hands, we used tools and persistence hunting.

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An appeal to "ancestral diet" is really an appeal to metaphysics, since none of us were there. Personally, I'd rather appeal to human A and P. But ultimately everyone's views about any given topic are affected by our beliefs about our origins. For example, my belief in the Bible agrees with the physiological fact that animal proteins are practically indigestible because they are so complex and tightly bound that our enzymes have such great difficulty unwinding and disassembled them into their constituent amino acids that comparatively few are able to actually be used; meanwhile they sit overlong in our guts, getting stuck to the walls of our colons, and putrifying; and since there are many animal fats trapped among these proteins, they go rancid too; and when rancid fats find their way into the bloodstream, the body deals with them by surrounding the molecules with water (so they are isolated) and storing them in your tissues. In YOUR tissues, not my tissues.

Agreed. There's no micronutrient in animal products you can't get from plant based products. But you get a bunch of other shit you don't need or want like exogenous cholesterol.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@inventor16 your account. Is this your new account sir?


how are you sir. After a long time you saw steemit

Taking a break 😂

@inventor16 .... You sent 100 steem @boomerang. But, I know that bit was lost huge all of others bidders. I suggest you, You use bit-bot minimum 0% ROI.

I hope all steemitian want some profit this platform.

Thank you so much.

you are right @darkline

Still a noob at bidbots 😂

Thank you for sharing this. I don't know it. I'm vegan but I could not to watch it for more than 5 minutes. I hope this document will open a few people's eyes.

You're welcome. We need more aweareness! 😂

I gave up meat about 25 years ago and I do okay. I see someone saying we cannot be vegan, but it works for a a lot of people. Meat production on the current scale is destroying the planet. It's an industry, not farming. I do eat eggs and cheese with the eggs coming from my own chickens.

Nice! Yeah backyard chickens are a huge improvement over factory farmed ones. Cheese has a lot of issues health issues with it. I will not eat cheese again, it contains estrogen which makes you more womanly.

Good material congratulations, we must choose to eat healthy, the time will come again that people will have to produce our own food, it is the only way you know what you are really eating. @narorecords

Hi. When food becomes a business and animals represent capital, man loses his humanity, and animals become a thing, which can be discarded, crushed, annihilated. Very thoughtful the video.


You are confusing two issues. Supporting factory farmed meat and consuming meat are not the same thing for many people.

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Yeah, animals have bloods like we human beings, so its ethical not to kill nor eat nor hurt nor disrespect them.

This is similar to human beings like us, we must not kill nor eat nor hurt nor disrespect our fellow human beings. If our fellow human beings eat meat, respect them as what we do to animals because we human beings are also animals and we have to respect its other. And we human beings are much and far more important than animals

But human beings are higher than animals.
Just a few statements from the blog I'd read:

I believe that idea separates the human species from all other species on Earth. It is saying that we are not a part of the circle of life like other species are. A wolf can kill a deer, and that is nature – but if we were to hunt a deer, many of us would not consider that nature, and many vegans go as far as to call that murder. Humans are still animals and we are a part of nature, and a part of the natural cycle of life. Yes, we are unique, but so is every other species. We are not above all other species, or any species for that matter. I believe that it is this separation thinking that has gotten us into much of the trouble that we are in. We know that we have only one earth. We know that everything on Earth is connected. Rather than think of us as separate creatures, above all others, I think we should remember that we are animals too and we are a part of the food chains on Earth. We can be the predator and we can be the prey. But if we are to be predators we must use the knowledge we’ve gained to be ethical predators.

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gracias por la información

Nowadays the products do not know where they come from if they are what they say but if we are sure they deceive us in the most foolish way that we can imagine in the butchers one does not know what product comes from cattle, whether or not it is meat is the easiest product to camouflage to sell it and the sellers are so despicable that they say it is but they know it is not and it is so easy to sell any red meat as for example the horse, the donkey, the buffalo between others so that the one who consumes never knows if he is really selling cattle meat or not and even the most horrible and disgusting dog meat.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I dont see chicken on there.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

thanks for the reminder. I'll stick to my meat & veg need to increase veg and lower meat though

I saw many of that videos and I need to say that isn’t the reality from many places.
Here in Brazil that problems isn’t the reality for 2 main reasons:
1 stressed animals make the meat being sore and hard
2 our system of quality is very exigent when it comes for the animals creation

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But you still kill them right?

Yeap, but with much less cruelty.

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Still a kill.

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Yeap, like any other kill that we can do to feed ourselves. We are killing plants or animals to feed ourselves, but we will kill

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Well, I am not crazy. You can eat what you want and I eat what I want. There just isn't any reason for killing an animal in my mind :D

Killing plants? Really?

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Totally agree with that.
For me, is ethically moral kill animals to eat. And about the killing plants, what I mean is, even when we eat vegetables we are killing them. I’m not doing a comparison, just said that for the answer of you telling, even with less pain and suffering we kill animals to feed ourselves, yeah, as like any other person who eat something that isn’t artificial made.

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When I eat a banana or orange off a tree I don't kill the tree. It still has roots.

But did you know?

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