Going Raw, it's a vegan thing.

in vegan •  7 years ago 

Hey Fam. So or the past month is so I have been studying up on raw veganism. I have decided to go fully raw. To eat nothing but live food, nothing that had been cooked or processed.

The main reasons for this are because I feel as if consuming foods in their natural states will yield the most benefits in terms of cellular function and long life.

I know raw vegans who are 70+ who are still going strong with the ladies while I know men in their 30s who can't get it up. I know raw vegans who run 40+ miles a day while I know men who can't get out of bed. I see people in their 20s look like they are dead while I have witnessed the youthfulness of raw vegans first hand.

So, in essence, making this transition for me is like drinking from the fountain of youth and stamina. It's a bit hard though as I don't have a lot of money to buy food and I don't have any land on which I can plant on. I play a mean game of football/soccer on different days during the weeks and require a whole lot of food to keep it up. But it's okay. It's all a growing process.

The other day I had nothing but melons, mangoes, bananas, and coconuts. It was really good. I could feel my body glowing. But at the same time, I could feel a craving for the cooked stuff. Whenever I get a feeling like this, a feeling that I can't shake I think of it as an addiction that I need to shake more than anything else. Get it out of my system.

Anyways, not going to make this long. If you are ever in Jamaica and want to grab some raw grub hit me up. There is an awesome joint here called "Mi Hungry" that sells the best raw food in the country. I'll take you there, your treat.

Big love, King Anima.

R.i.p. Chester.

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I'll take you up on that Mi Hungry offer there, Anima
I've done raw periods and it feels electrifying --
You're getting more vitamins and minerals than 97% of people
Sunlight energy
Watermelon, Mangoes & dried Figs are 3 of my favorites!
Check out the 'Mucusless Diet Healing System' by Prof. Arnold Ehret
life changer... if you have any questions let me know :)

Its funny I was just telling my gf we should get out the mucus out of our lives... I apreciate u .