The Great Debate: Should You Date Non-Vegans?

in vegan •  7 years ago  (edited)

f you don't read this to the end the melon lords will never forgive you in the slightest.

I once asked Gary Yoursofky this question and his was answer was something like this:

Ditch them now and save yourself the trouble. You don't want to raise your kids in world war III

In a way, I knew he was right because with me animals are not less than humans, if anything, in grace and elegance, they are far above. I always considered what I would have done if the situation surrounded people instead of animals. Like what if the people around me were supporting the enslavement of another people, would I be apart of it? Or would I be a weak cunt and suck up to them just to be accepted?

Hold on, don't get mad at me. Weren't you mad? Lol good.

Let's continue. First off, we are all social beings who desire to be accepted, loved and appreciated (except me). We do not want to sever bonds with those we care about, especially that cute babe we been dating for a while or that guy you will soon get tired of once his money runs out. This leads to all sorts of compromises. In relation to this topic, we think to ourselves:

  • well, I can't force them, maybe they will change. As long I am vegan it will be alright. Maybe they will come around.

It's true, you can't force people at all. I couldn't force my ex even though we dated for four years. To this day she thinks I am just a cunt for telling her what to eat. That relationship was toxic as fuck too. Imagine someone trying to kiss you with murder in their mouth then getting offended when you turn ur head? That shit was horrible... Every time I saw her taking part in this and justifying it I wanted to her to just go away. But I was in love with her for nearly 3 years before I reached the age of reason so I was deeply tied to her. I didn't know what to do and so I asked Gary.

I didn't want to take his advise though. So I kept on trying with her for a while. Until she dumped my ass for some new dude lol... since then I've been trying to fix my pride but that shit is broken:

Needless to say, she isn't vegan now and all my time was wasted. So I was like, fuck it, I'll never date someone like that again. I thought maybe I'll just wait until that right person comes into my life who already understood. Well, that was easier said than done. As a result I don't take people who talk that good talk all that seriously anymore and I hardly wanna have anything to do with them. If you knew me in person you would know how much distance I keep between myself and others. And not just potential romantic partners, everyone. My mom, friends, business partners, everyone.

Up until recently, I had concluded that I must not avoid interaction with non-vegans. I am pro-animal and completely don't give two melons about any human issues. I said it's flat-out wrong to even entertain them. This was based on my own experiences as well as thinking of what I would do if the victims were humans.

But that's up until recently.

You see, my big bro Shaon rang me up and told me about his new gf, how awesome she is and how they are twin flames. She wasn't a vegan at the time but she sure was awesome. A couple of weeks later I saw her posting on FB about her change. She saw the light and thank my Bro from the bottom of her heart for not being judgemental, for honest love and honesty.

A day later my blood @fudz sent me a video of him putting together some ackee... all vegan. If you have never had ackee you have ever had food. He said he is going vegan now for the sake of being healthy.

My little sister @samantha16 also sent me a video blending up some wicked smoothies with the blender I gave her, the blender I miss so much. I had no idea she would become a vegan too but hey here we are.

And finally, my housemate has cooked nothing but vegan food for the past three months. These latter three people swore on their dead mother's life that they would never stop eating animals. Never they said, but here we are. @rodonlegend hasn't made the change as yet but he will. He is taking baby steps... I wonder if he thinks the chicken he ate last night cares about his baby steps. But baby steps are better than no steps.

My whole point here is that, sooner or later, everyone will become vegan. People are all on their own paths and moving at their own pace for whatever reason. Therefore, we should not write people off because they are not where they should be. People have been programmed to do these evil things, they are stupid and downright evil. But they have the ability to do good. Sometimes they only need to hear the truth. It will soak in over time. Some people just learn slower than others. And some people need to have their backs dropped over the top of some jagged rocks but that's a different story.

Final thoughts.

Don't settle for a dumb person who will never change their ways. Love genuinely for the sake of loving and not because of the fear of being alone. And love yourself enough to know when a person is not good enough for you to stay in that moment.

Always put animals first.

And if you genuinely know that a person only needs time and guidance then hold their hands and walk them down the right path. They may never have anyone tell them these things again and you may just be the light they require to illuminate them.

For me, I have to try to build back a connection to the people in my life right now. I have shine brighter than anyone around if I wish for anyone to see the light. I have a lot of inner engineering to do if I wish to empower anyone with truth but I am going for it.

Thak you so much for reading. If you enjoyed this post then your awesome. If you didn't then send me some SBD and I will make sure you do next time around.

Much respect.

I love some of you.

King Anima.

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Vegansexual is a thing.

lol bro that sounded so gay...

Dear person reading this: If you are offeneded at my comment then I am offended that you are offended.


This post was a rollercoaster :P wasn't sure how it would end. Me personally I just live my life the way I want to and stay open to changing if something I do doesn't make sense. I think eventually most people will realize eating veggies is good for your self, the planet and animals, but most people aren't there right now and it's important to understand who they are and where they came from.

Yes for me it was a rollercoaster too. I had no idea where it was going but I guess it turned out right n the end... we must all do what pleases us as long as it brings no harm to others.