The struggle is real....

in vegan •  7 years ago 

The struggle is very real...

I was at a restaurant the other day ...

No fruit to be had, so I ordered a garden salad with dressing on the side....

The waitress looks at me & asked if that was it??

I’m used to these looks & reactions...

No, I do not have an eating disorder & yes, there is not one thing on the menu aside from a salad that Is not going to slowly poison my body from the inside out...

I stand up & take a long look around...

There they all are, enjoying their meals of meats & breads & butter galore...

Looking so content, almost happy in these moments, tantalizing aromas wafting from their warm plates...

For a moment I felt envious, I thought about how much easier it would be to not know taste those foods I used to enjoy, but were never meant to eat...

Funny thing is, even if I took a bite, It would be an impossibility to fully enjoy the taste, as I know the effects those foods have within...

Those acidic & mucus forming foods.... oh what a price we pay for what we perceive as pleasure...

I take a look around again...

The struggle is very real & not one person looked remotely healthy....

I saw weight issues, skin problems, twitching, people who could hardly walk, etc...

Most of us humans have not a clue how unhealthy we are because we are all unhealthy together...

I snapped back into my reality, the world of fruits & greens ....

A world of hydration, health, vitality, self sufficiency & do no harm...

I snapped back into the world of healing & utter gratefulness ....

I am more than satisfied with a nice salad.... the waitress looked as if I was the first person to ever request fruit...

There is a reason, I not only came across this information, but I am strong enough to live it & to withstand the comments, looks, & energies associated with not following the mainstream normalities...

I was given this information to not only obtain remedy for my own lifelong health issues, but to guide others who seek it as well...

To all those out there that deal with the struggle & the games the mind will play to justify giving in to what everyone else is doing...

stay strong, because although it appears that we may be missing out on something, it is actually the other way around... the opposite...

The knowledge that you possess can help heal the world - if we all remain strong & hold our ground...

Mariah 🍎 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self ...39217767-3BA7-417B-A8EB-D1D1B898490F.jpeg

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I know how you feel. I went with my family the other day Out to eat and when we look at the menu the actually got rid of the vegan opposition they had. I was really upset and I personally didn’t want to stay but I did for the rest of the family. I also just ordered a all just vegetable salad with oil and vinager on the side. Waitress looked at me like I was crazy. That’s when I did the same thing started looking around the room and everyone in there was in a trance just filling them selfs to unhealthness. Really enjoyed your share. Thanks. Stay healthy.

Thank you... sounds like you are on the path, it does get easier...someday our species specific diet will be known and we won’t be outsiders!