Hello! Mika here. 18, vegan, trans, full-time student, and massive bookworm

in vegan •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello whoever’s reading this! My name’s Mika, I’m an 18 y/o IB student, and literally half my life is spent on social medias.
I’ve been doing youtube videos on and off for over 2 & 1/2 years now. Not that people watch it, but I enjoy making them!
I just discovered this website, through the amazing person Henya Mania, who posted about it on her instagram story.
Throughout my life I have been trying to write blogs, but never really been able to stick to it, so now that I found out that Steemit is a thing, I wanted to give it another go!

Yeah, so, as I said, my name’s Mika, and here are a few facts about me!
So I do the IB, and for you who don’t know what the IB is, it stands for International Baccalaureate, and is a 2 year study course you can do in High School, to prepare yourself for university. It’s kind of like A levels, except you have 6 subjects to concentrate on instead of 3. I’m currently in the second half of my second year, and exams are coming up in May, so I’m kinda a busy bee at the moment. However, I would like to post maybe 3 or 4 posts a week on here, if I can manage and people actually read them.


So as the title of this post suggests, I’m vegan! Been so for two years now, and I’m absolutely loving it! I’ve never been a big meat eater, and I pretty much grew up on my aunt’s farm, so I’ve always loved animals. Though, it wasn’t until I was about 14 I made the connection between the animals we pet and the ones we eat, and I therefore went vegetarian at that time. A year and a half later I did some more research, and pretty much went vegan overnight. For me, veganism is about a lot more than just the animals, although they are a big part of it. Being vegan doesn’t only help the animals, it also helps the environment and is amazing for your health! So yeah, veganism is a big part of my life, and it always will be.

And hey, surprise, surprise, I’m a tranny! I know a lot of people find the word tranny offensive, but I don’t, and I therefore use it about myself, hope that doesn’t offend anyone. So yeah, I’m transgender, which means, in my case, I was born female but I identify as male, and trying to live accordingly. Therefore it would be very nice if you referred to me as he/him, as those are my preferred pronounces.


I LOVE BOOKS. Yes, I’m a massive bookworm and I’m not afraid to admit it. I’m telling you this on my post here as I will probably be doing book reviews. At the moment I’m reading three books, one for school and two for my own enjoyment. The two books I’m currently enjoying are: ”A Storm of Swords, part 2: Blood and Gold” by George R. R. Martin, and ”Turtles All The Way Down” by John Green. I would highly recommend both books, as they have amazing writing, and the one by John Green also tackles mental health issues, which is very important.

Of course, like every other human, I enjoy music. But my taste may be a bit different from the norm, as I absolutely adore heavy metal and screamo. Yes, I listen to very heavy music where most people can’t even hear the words that are being sung. I don’t know why, but I really enjoy this kind of music, and it gets me into a good mood. So there may potentially be some music posts on here as well, if people are interested.

Who doesn’t like to travel?! Personally I love it, and I have made it my life goal to visit AT LEAST 100 countries before I die. I have currently only visited 14 countries throughout my life, so I really need to step up my game and explore the world more! I know I won’t travel a lot in 2018, as I have exams in May, and I start university in October, but I have made it a goal this year to visit ONE new country. I don’t know which country this is going to be, but I know it’s going to be one in Europe. I’m thinking either Iceland, Finland, Italy or France, but we’ll see! Hopefully you want to join me on this journey, as even though I’m not visiting any new countries in the nearest future, I am going back to my beloved Spain in mid February, so stay tuned for posts then!

Ignore the very short shorts, it was before I came out

But yeah, that was just a quick (and a bit long, oops) introduction of who I am and what I enjoy doing, Hopefully you found at least SOMETHING interesting among my personality and hobbies, and want to read my other posts I got planned. If you have any questions, like: where I’m from, or how I found out I was trans, leave them in the comment section below! I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities.

Have a nice day/night, and I’ll (hopefully) see you in my next post!

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Welcome Handsome!. You're so cool!.

How do you deal with your physical appearance?.

Thank you! :)
I struggle a lot with gender/body/social dysphoria, but I'm trying to ignore it and just live my life :) Some days are worse than other though, but I do pass in my day to day life at least (as long as I don't talk :'D)

Welcome to steemit Mika, I'm also vegan and trans but pre everything because I had to deal with cancer and delay my plans for a couple of years. I will follow you, hope we'll give each other strength! ^~^ have a wonderful day

I'm also pre everything, so I feel you on that :)
I've followed you back, and I'm looking forward to following your journey to being yourself!
Hope you have a wonderful day yourself 😊

Hi Mika and welcome to Steemit! Thanks to being bold and brave enough to bear your truth here. I’m on a journey of discovering my sexuality, as its constantly evolving and there is always more to learn about ourselves.

I’ve resteemed and followed you, and look forward to engaging more of your content. My explicit “agenda” (bc every queer has one, right? Haha) is to connect the LGBT+ community because we are a minority voice here.

Also, if I may make a recommendation :-) I would say if you want to go to Italy or France, you’d need at least a week, 10 days is manageable, 2 weeks would be excellent. There is soooooo much to see and do in these countries. Look forward to seeing those pics and stories ;-) and good luck in your first year of Uni!

Thank you so much! I really value the feedback :)
I have followed you too, and I highly agree on the fact that we should connect the LGBT community, I think it's amazing what you're doing!
Thank you for the tips regarding travel, I will definitely be trying to do 2 weeks if going to one of those countries, as I love exploring!

Welcome on Steemit Mika!

Hello Mika I was actually very glad I found your post. After reading it something told me that I have to recommend you some books or an author you should study. What I base this on is your way of living, being an vegan and trans. I think you have made it great in your life and you have unlimited potential to make it as big as you want. If you want the tips please reply and I will respond. I must say that I’m pretty new to this study myself. But it just talked to me and said I will have to share this with you. I think this will enlighten your life and mind:-)
Best regards @everydaycoach

Thank you, that would be very nice :)

The author I have used is Else Byskov. She is a Danish writer(writes in English) her books is mostly based on an author called Martinus who have written the book of life and other books. His knowledge about our life will probably give you more insight about yourself. I started with “the downfall of marriage “ and I think you could also start there. I bought my book on Amazon.:-)

Thank you so much! I will definitely check it out :)

Please tell me what you think of it when you have found what I want you to find, YOU WILL KNOW

Welcome to steemit :) Happy to have you here :) I'm trilled that so many vegans are finding their way over here. I think you will do great here and you really made a good start. I also love to travel so I really look forward to follow your journey here :)

Thank you! 😄 I'm looking forward to posting about my journey on here too! I took a look at your posts, and they're very interesting! I especially loved the one about the importance of water consumption :)

Aw thank you so much. That means so much to me. I'm so happy about the love this community gives. I was not prepared for it and it makes me so much more motivated to keep on going and write new posts. Really happy to find such loving new friends :)

Same here! The community seems very nice :)