Meat Eaters are the Walking Dead.

in vegan •  7 years ago 

I've gotten a lot of hate from my family for my decision to go vegan. They think that it's ridiculous, inefficient, and I'll never get my protein. They will often ask me why I went vegan. They can't wrap their minds around it. And I could give them a huge speech about why it's wrong to eat meat, why veganism is good for your health, etc., but it would be a waste of my time, because they will never change or understand my decision. So why waste my breath?

So I've decided to just say this whenever someone asks me why I'm vegan. "I'll never eat something with a face again."

I've seen so many video's on why you should or shouldn't go vegan. There are so many opinions, so much information, that I've decided to wrap it all up for you. This is by no means a short post, so if you don't want to read for a while, you might as well quit now.

Also, a disclaimer. This post will show and discuss content that some people might think is graphic, or inappropriate for young viewers. You have been warned. And if your just sick minded and want to get to the gory stuff, scroll down a while and skip the PG info.

So let's get started. The most irritating thing I hear people say to me, is that "plants have feelings too." So let me just explain why that's a ridiculous statement.

If I were to pick a banana off a tree, what's the first thing that would come to your mind? A banana, right? Obviously. It's food, and you probably want to eat it. But if I were to hold up a baby chicken, what would your first thought be? That it's cute, and you might want to cuddle it. Unless your some sort of savage, your mouth wouldn't drool at the sight of a baby chicken. If I took a bite out of a banana, people wouldn't think I'm crazy. It's normal. But if I picked up a baby chicken and took a bite of it, (most) people would be horrified. It would be considered animal cruelty.

Also, if I burned my hand with a lighter, I would say ouch, probably throw out a few cuss words, and cool it with cold water. If a cow burns itself, it will cry out in pain. If I burn a strawberry, it doesn't cry out in pain. It doesn't try to get away. Because plants don't have feelings.

So why is it considered wrong to take a bite out of a chicken, but not it's dead corpse? It's the same thing, after all. The only difference is that it's already dead, and can't run away.

Hold on, we're getting off topic here. You already know why I've gone vegan, or you will soon. But who else has gone vegan? Let's go through the list:

Bill Clinton
Carrie Underwood
Al Gore
Natalie Portman
Mike Tyson
Ellen DeGeneres
Russell Brand

And remember Tyrion Lannister from Game Of Thrones? Yep. He's vegan. And has made plenty of videos exposing the cruelty in the meat industry.

Their are plenty of health benefits to going vegan too. Below is a chart of the top 10 causes of death. Every single one of them, besides Suicide and Unintentional injuries, is partially caused by eating meat. So that means that every single one of them can be prevented by going vegan. And even a couple of them can be treated by going vegan.
There are tons of stories online about cancer patients that got better after going vegan. Doctors prescribe a vegan diet to people with heart disease every single day. Because things in meat and dairy like cholesterol clog up your arteries in your heart.

Millions of people die every day because they are putting the wrong things in their body. So many diseases can be prevented if people didn't eat dead flesh.

Now, what you all have been waiting for. The gore.


I've also heard people say that they don't support how animals are treated in the slaughter house, or the animals that are raised for meat. They think that the dairy industry is fine. After all, they aren't killing the animals, we're just using what they produce.



For cows, life in the industry is hell. They are raised to be killed. They are forced to live in extreme conditions because the rich owners are too money hungry to give them a comfortable life before they are killed. Because they wouldn't get the most money that way.

If you were one of the people who thought the dairy industry was more friendly to cows, you're wrong. A lot of this information is obvious, but people don't think about these things, or aren't exposed to the information. Female cows are used to make milk, right? Well, you have to be pregnant to make milk. And the Business owners are too money hungry to wait for pregnancy to happen 'the old fashioned way', so they speed up the process.


What you're looking at above is commonly referred too as a Rape Rack. This is where all the female cows are lined up. trapped in cages, and forcefully impregnated. The cows are sexually exploited, repeatedly, until they get pregnant. A worker impregnates the cow with either a metal rod, or their fist. After they are pregnant, they start to produce milk. And some dairy farmer doesn't come up and milk the udders like we were told when we were kids. They are hooked up to a cold scary machine that milks the udders for hours every single day, for seven to nine months, or until they stop producing milk. Then they are impregnated again, and the whole process starts over. Live, rape, die, repeat.

But what happens to the baby cows? Well, you could probably guess by now. The female cows are taken away from their mothers, (who scream and cry out for their babies for days) and raised to be just like their mothers. But if the baby cow is a male, it is pumped full of chemicals to help it grow a little bit, and then sent to be slaughtered.


Oh, and P.S., milk is disgusting BTW. In the industry, it doesn't come out white. It comes out RED. That's because the cows live in such horrible conditions, they develop infections in their udders. Now, that wouldn't be cost effective to treat that, so they are left to suffer, and you get pus and blood in your milk.


Over 1,000,000 somatic cells (pus an blood) are allowed in every spoonful of milk. Now, imagine how much there is in just 1 glass! Nasty.

And you can't get away with chickens, either. Their lives are just as bad. They are crammed together in cages so tightly, they can't even turn around. And with all those chickens crammed together, they get agitated, and fight and peck at each other. But that could result in some deaths and damage to the meat, so the industry can't have that. To fix it, before the chickens are put in the cages at a young age, their beaks are burned off so they can't peck at each other anymore. Imagine your face being burned off with a hot iron. That's what every single chicken in the industry has to go through. It's %100 cruel, and %100 legal.

We all know now what happens to baby male cows, and it's no different for chickens. Baby male cows throats are slit, and they are killed for veal. It's too costly to raise male chicks for meat, so they are killed also. They are thrown in a bag and suffocated, or grinded up while they are still alive.

So cows are raped every six months, chickens get their beaks burned off and are boiled alive, and baby chicks are ground up alive. Remember the last time you bought meat? YOU killed that animal. Does your milk taste good? I hope so, because a baby cow DIED for that. Every time you buy an animal product, you are telling the meat industry, "yes! Kill the animals! Grind up the baby chicks because I like it, and want more of it!" There is no neutral side to this. You are either for violence, or against it. Choose the right side. Go vegan. Save lives. Quit killing babies.

Ryan-Ashley, signing off.

(video evidence below)
Dairy is Scary - The industry explained in 5 minutes


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Bro this post is brutally truthful and hilarious at the same time.
Everybody's family gives them shit when they go plant-based, TRUST ME, you're not the only one! Stay strong, once they try all the plant-based alternatives, they may slowly switch!

Thanks! Hopefully once more people realize what they are doing they will make the switch too!

All it takes is a couple documentaries (: