6 Months of Being Vegan, How to Start and is it Worth it?

in vegan •  7 years ago  (edited)

10 days before my 35th birthday I made the decision, always have known at some point I would go vegan yet I could never make the full commitment. Being a huge fan of alternative medicine and having vast knowledge on diet related diseases still wasn't enough for me to give up meat and dairy. The best way to go in to a vegan diet is completely brainwash yourself, go on a Netflix binge, start watching all of the plant based documentaries, my favorite being "What The Health". After being completely brainwashed then start following some Instagram pages with simple plant based meals.
After having a brief professional surfing career, and loving to lift weights I next wanted to see what kind of athletes were vegan. What an amazing list: MMA fighter Nate Diaz, Body builder Mike Rashid, Defensive lineman David Carter just to name a few. Luckily my girlfriend also decided to go vegan after watching "What The Health", shopping was next on our agenda, my opinion is that the farmers supermarket "Sprouts" has the most affordable and largest selection of vegan options, the bulk section really helps cut cost, the fruit and vegetables are reasonably priced as well, I found that the only expensive vegan food items are usually the unhealthy freezer items like soy chicken nuggets. Making completely plant based recipes is the most fun part of this lifestyle, you start to realize it is not that hard to avoid meat and dairy. While eating out you start figuring out what to get at every different place, if I'm really in a jam and have to get fast food I will stop by del taco and order a crunchstada with no cheese, add pico and avocado or just get a stoner burrito (beans and french fries).
People become vegan for a variety of reasons, usually it comes down to the health benefits or no longer wanting to participate in the violent killing of animals, in my personal experience I needed to become plant based for both, and the effects I felt were both physical and spiritual. On my lunch breaks at work I used to sleep in my car because I was always tired, I would yawn all day everyday, since going vegan I have not taken a nap, my stamina when doing cardio is off the charts, I sleep amazing, and the skin on my face looks like it has been run through a snapchat filter. Then there is the spiritual aspect, empathy and love for animals grows immensely , spurts of unwarranted happiness, and a feeling of oneness with the universe that you could never feel before. There are a few cons to this lifestyle: 1. Convenience and 2. Peoples attitude when you say the word "Vegan", it's like they feel so guilty about being unhealthy and complete piles that they have to lash out, they always start with: "where do you get your protein" which is easy to overcome since all protein originates from plants, or their second go to is "Tofu is bad for you, soy turns you into a women" also easy to overcome and is just more propaganda, most erectile disfunction is diet related which in my opinion makes you feel less of a man far more than soy ever will.
If you are still on the fence I suggest you start researching the countless people who have reversed diseases with a simple plant based diet. My experience has been amazing and I hope this helps you make your decision easier, spirituality at some point always goes back to Mind, Body, and Spirit, in my experience veganism covers all 3 aspects.IMG_7290.jpg

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