There is no going back from veganism. If you want to be a better person, kind to the earth, please, go vegan.
You dont need to be a "hippie" Im not hippie . I meet with a lot of shitty Vegans. Im Vegan and I'm a fucking shit to a lot of people. Sometimes, "Sometimes", almost.. all of the time. I Think Im a virus and a deserve to die like the shit I'm. But I remeber that an Alien brought me here, to this world, to be a kind of experiment. Did the expriment have succeed? I dont know. It depends on the Experiment.
So, why veganism?
Animals have nothing to do with us. We are visitants here and we have to be kind and stop destroying the whole world. Cause we're doing this with selfishness and a lot, lot, lot,lot of EGO
I KNOW that is orgasmic to laugh at others and say that the other one is stupier than you, I Know and I sometimes do, but, when whe are talking about pain, bad energy death and sickness the laughing club must be closed and keep out for a long time.
We pollute rivers to have meat. We have a environmental impact on earth, so, please. Im 24 years old, Im nobody, but you're reading this for a reason...
Stop fucking our planet! Is simple as stop eating meat.
There is nothing worst for our water that eating meat because Raising animals for meat wastes water.
It takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to produce just 1 pound of beef... and you think that vegans are wasting water by taking a long shower and to water our own organic potatoes. Also, the Poop of your meal ( The poor cow) ends up in water ( rivers and oceans) so, your diary meal is polluting the water.
The animals aren't raised with love ,Factory farms a hell for animals. Ant the farms pollute too.. greenhouse gases ; More than half of those bad gases come from raising animals for food.
Big mistake. The change depends always in you. I wasn't vegan at born, I think that there isnt a lot of people who are vegans at born. I'm not that lucky like them. I eated meat all my life, I didin't like vegetables because I was Brainwashed. I became open minded when I came across with all of this information, when I came across that Im not the only soul in this place and we are all connected.. by media, by energy by sasasa...
You dont need to be hare krishna to be vegan
you dont need to do yoga
you dont need to say the word "Love" everytime you are talking , even, if you hate someome with all your heart and you want to kill him/her .. you dont need to use colours in your t-shirts.
You need to eat vegetables instead of meat ; and be whatever you want to be.. but leaving your body out of pain, bad energy and shit...