velotha's flock

in velothas-flock •  7 years ago  (edited)


moonlight casts shadows on the deeds of the just
and the sun brings to light the worst of crimes
long ago their world was lost
long ago their exile began
now their time is dwindling
their Adversary moves quick
but their stygian wings are swift
their souls carrying the memory
of their crimson sacred goddess
even as they give up hope
and accept that they may never find
the promised land
they are velotha's flock

What is velotha's flock?

velotha's flock is a free-verse roleplaying game published by Loreshaper Games.

driven from their home
they nest among mortals
korakthropes, wereravens
with the spirits of men
but great powers
they are lost
seeking a Promised Land
or at least a place to roost

the game is written in free verse
using a simple ruleset
storytelling drives the plot
and the numbers fill in details

released under our Tabletop Attribution License
you can remix and change as you want to
and share with your own flock

It's entirely free, and totals about 68 pages. Written in free verse from cover-to-cover, it's intended to be enjoyed both as a shared experience and as a solitary reading experience touching on the meaning of life and the archetypes that drive it. Embedded throughout are Albrecht Altdorfer woodcuts illustrating key symbolic events.

You can find velotha's flock version 3, the current version that's up on DriveThruRPG, here:

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