Venerable . culture for the future
This is a very important, venerable word. According to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, it tells us that it is an adjective that means worthy of veneration, of respect.
It is a unique adjective, also that it is an epithet or renown to refer to people of known virtue.
Also as a unique adjective that means a title to refer to ecclesiastical persons constituted in prelacy and dignity such as monsignors, bishops, that type of person. It is the first title that the Catholic Church grants to those who die with a reputation for holiness and which is commonly followed by Blessed and finally Saint. As has happened with the case of José Gregorio Hernández in Venezuela and other people who are considered venerable or saints.
We can say how venerable someone or something is associated, that they are worthy of respect and admiration due to their achievements, their age, their wisdom. It can also be a place or an object that has survived through time and has earned a lot of fame, a lot of prestige.
The most common, as an example of something venerable, is a historic house, or a historic object with a long history, as is the case in Venezuela with the house of Simón Bolívar, which is a cultural heritage of the country.
It can also be an object that has survived many years, for example the secret scrolls of the bible found in the Vatican, this refers to something venerable as well.
Because of this word I want to talk to you about something very important today, which is to preserve and protect all these venerable things for future generations, so that our history and the people who come after us know the history of everything that we live, of our places, our heritage, our things, our communities. To do it there are several ways, nowadays, that we have all the technology and all these things. We can use the digitization of all these books, all these documents. The photographs of ancient sites, of our churches, of books, of the most famous poets and historians; we can digitize them and in this way, if we put it in the cloud, online, we can guarantee that it is available for the next generations. We can include it in the hive (or any other) blockchains so that all this legacy is preserved for other people.
We can also choose the part of the regulations at the state level, that the state create laws that protect all these historic buildings, all these precious venerable relics that we have, and with these laws we can also protect the historic sites, the buildings. In this way, with this type of law, it will be possible to prohibit or prevent all these constructions from being destroyed or mistreated, this is a way to preserve our heritage for future generations.
Of course, we must mention the part of conserving all these historical pieces, both houses and buildings, and restoring them, to keep them in good condition and to preserve them over time, because this is very important. For this we must clean the objects, remove dust, dirt. Regarding this, we are also talking about photographs from past years that are very fundamental, they are samples of our culture, of how we have evolved as a society and as a country, this is very important that we keep it cared for, preserved and stored in the correct way.
In this way we will be able to preserve our legacy as a country and as a human race for future generations and so that they can learn from everything we did, how we did it and the times in which we live.
This is a very beautiful part and contributes to making the venerable richer, enriched and more beautiful. So let's try to work towards making this a reality, to preserve history in our future.