I left!

in venezuela •  7 years ago 


When watching this video it is impossible not to cry. It is seeing the reality of many Venezuelans. Everyone sees how those who have been able to leave but do not see all the sacrifices behind this decision.

In this video Reymar Perdomo sings how was his journey to leave the country that saw it born. It is not an easy decision. You must leave your family and friends and start from scratch.

This is the reality. Find ways to leave the country. These conditions in which we are living are not the best. Seeing as day to day there are many who do not have to eat. Go out and see children looking in the trash to eat something.


Being an immigrant is not easy. Being in a country that is not yours. The Venezuelans who are in other countries are responsible for putting our country on high. We are hardworking people. But in our country, wanting to progress and give our family the best does not help much.

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Cuando vi este video lloré y pensé en mi prima y su novio tienen dos meses que se fueron y en los muchos que se han ido a pasar trabajo para poder vivir.


Créeme que yo también llore bastante. Mi hermano, un primo y una de mis mejores amigas se tuvieron que ir. Y no ha sido nada fácil. Ver todo lo que esta pasando en el país es muy duro

Amiga a todos nos toca llorar casi a diario una despedida mas; veo madres dejando sus hijos y llorar solo con la esperanza de poder mandarles para comer, y cada día es peor!
que triste @denisemata

Lsmentablemente esa es nuestra realidad. Ojala en algún momento esto mejore