Living in Venezuela being Venezuelan PART II

in venezuela •  8 years ago 

Good evening, but despite what we are living we are cool people, if we do not find bread flour (with which we make the famous arepas) we find another one that supplants it and so on, for example now I find no bread anywhere and if There is a queue, there are two theory according to the government says that there is an economic war and the baker says that they do not send you flour, I do not know what to think because you do not get a chance to do it you should find that you are going to eat quickly, being honest We are not living if not surviving !!!! Here in venezuela always in december if you are working you have a benefit that give you 3 months of salary (or 4 depends on where you work) that we call utilities and to me frankly I went in food !! I'm married and I have a beautiful girl !! Thanks to God despite what we are living we have not spent needs one has to move to bring bread to his house, (it's a Venezuelan phrase)

Everything for an ideology seems to lie that a simple words in the mouth of a person can lead an oil country to simply a country in chaos !!!

But good we continue living thanks to the will of God, o como dice los venezolanos Amanecera y veremos lo que pasa :P Saludos.

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Soy tambien venezolano y con todo respeto se debe ser contundente en la opinion que tiene que ver con nuestro pais. Gravias a Dios Steemit es libertad

Te entiendo, pero como dije es mi punto de vista!!!!