Venezuela crisis: Protesters set fire to supreme court building 66 die during the ongoing escalations.

in venezuela •  7 years ago 
The crisis in Venezuela unfortunately seems to be getting worse. This recent protest is because president Nicolas Maduro put in place a policy to re-write the current constitution to give himself more power (of course what else is new) and the courts upheld that decision. The people have now gone into action and to hold on to what little right's they have left. 66 of the Venezuelan people have given their lives just during this last resistance, while thousands have been injured.

Image source- The things going south down there have no excuss. This is a extremly oil rich country and they have their citizens litttary starving to death where 11,000 babies have died before the age of one in 2016. This should in no way happen to such an oil rich country I fear the powers that be are at hand again. According to OPEC's latest figures, Venezuela has the most proven crude oil reserves in the world, with over 300 billion barrels. That puts it ahead of Saudi Arabia (26 billion barrels), Iran (158 billion barrels) and Iraq (143 billion barrels). So someone please explain to me on how itSs peoples and babies are starving and are having to eat their pets and break into zoo's and horse stables just to eat.

The Venezuelan inflation rate as of march has pasted the 220% mark. the countries largest bill the $100.00 Bolivar is now worth just $0.04. It has now reached the point where the bills are worth less than the paper its Babylonian paper its printed on. 80% of food is in short supply and the Venezuelan people spend more than 30 hours a week waiting in food lines and end up with very little or nothing at all.

I find it very interesting that around the time Venezuela asks for their gold back things then go to hell. I remember the article, searched for it and here is the LINK. Hugo Chavez even talks about Muammar Qadhafi and how fast the western powers turned on him after he wanted to go gold backed for his people (can't have that now).

At this point all we can do is pray for our brother's and sister's there and hope in time things will subside. Unfortunately, I don't believe that will happen any time soon. The power's that be are definitely involved and their laying out their carefully crafted plan. We should all count our blessings and take notice to what is truly happening there. Im sure 7-10 years ago the Venezuelan people never thought they would be in this position. Take time to prepare for the worst but expect the best. You do not want to be caught stuck in a frenzy or crisis when it occur's...

Picture's image source LINK

-Blog source LINK: 5 things to understand about oil-rich, cash-poor Venezuela

-robErob- @gangster.inc00

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Unfortunately the oil cannot help the people of Venezuela. But sometimes a collapse is needed to restart something better

I understand what you mean unfortunately the same people are in charge to bring in that something new...

The ones in charged now should be drained in the swamp

At best.

This is why socialism docent work you eventually run out of other peoples money. There government has used taxpayer money to live way to high on the hog.

Absolutly right, might as well as bring in Madoff to run the country.

it worked in China, and then as their economy improved now they are becoming more capitalist. They should be socialist after this system collapse, wrong timing

China works on slave labor, with all due respect I have no use for their system and care not how profitable. The people there have no choice, hence no freedoms

It used to be like that. after the war the country was broke, so had no choice. But it's different now as the Chinese becomes richer, freedom is improving. Still no right to votes for elections though

Theres always a choice, we were broke after the depression, we did not advert to communism. I hope your right, though what i see is Christian churchs being broken down, moblie execution vans and suicide nets. China is communism, against freedom of conscience... Theres always a choice.

Yes those things did happen. What i meant was they didn't break down like Venezuela is right now. And i have visited China many times. I can see the living standard of the people are rising.

Good I hope only the best for China people's. Its only the higher ups and the knighthoods that work daily to disseminate the rights of a nations people. Theres a big plan for China much like Germany before WW2 and i hope it will never come fully into fruition. Glad we can share each otgers views.

Venezuela has a lot to teach us about socialist political parties, but Venezuela's failings are not because they "ran out of other people's money". That is a US conservative platitude, and 99% of the time it is wrong.

Venezuela is instead suffering from numerous harmful conditions, including

  1. Dutch disease. Venezuela has fallen into a classic resources trap, where an abundance of oil has stifled investment in a diverse manufacturing base.

  2. The political powers that be, the PSUV, have tied social mobility and privilege to party loyalty. This has created a political class resistant to rule of law, and unresponsive to pressure from the population.

  3. The Venezuelan military, the kingmakers, make vast profits from drug and smuggling industries. They will stifle any political opposition that threatens this revenue stream. The PSUV price controls fuelling the smuggling directly benefit the military, to the detriment of the population.

Etc. etc.

Other countries regularly "spend other people's money" and fare consistently well in quality of life indices.