RE: How bad is it in Venezuela?

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How bad is it in Venezuela?

in venezuela •  6 years ago 

The situation is as bad as you say and living here is really stressful, I will be leaving the country soon in search for opportunities and hopefully I manage to stabilize my life, I was basically born into the socialist revolution so I don't really know what is it like to leave without a stressful government situation and I'm really looking forward to that...

If you guys have any questions about living in Venezuela, feel free to ask them while I still live here :^)

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I'm so worried to learn about the current situation. Is the situation really beyond the scope of government? Can't they overhaul the entire system?

The government can't fix the situation they put us in, they have been in power for almost 20 years and it has gotten worse and worse ever since, they expropriated most of the private companies that didn't bend the knee, killing jobs and productivity, 50%+ of the Venezuelan workforce is public, working useless bureaucratic jobs for the government and they also created a famine by appropriating all the productive lands and not putting them to use, most of our arable lands are in hands of the government and not producing food, thus we depend on food imports. you

Venezuela is a country that depends solely on oil, its economic situation is so difficult, that the president has taken the decision to regulate its prices and increase the salary of Venezuelans to 3,000%, bankrupting many businesses in Venezuela that unfortunately they can not afford that salary.

It is unfortunate to see how a country with so many natural resources, lives a difficult situation, thousands of people are dying of hunger and emigrating to other countries to bring their lives a better quality of life.

The first national president took advantage of the national chain to inform that as of September 1, the direct subsidy comes into effect through the Hogares de la Patria program, with five scales ranging from Bs. 360 (for families of 2 members) to Bs. 1120 (for families of six or more members.

Pregnant women enrolled in the Humanized Delivery mission will receive a bonus of Bs.S 600 per month; while Bs.S 450 will be for the participants of the José Gregorio Hernández voucher, all these payments will be made through the country card.

Venezuelans can only wait and continue working for a better country.

In your view , what role ( if any) US govt has played in the downfall of the Venezuela economy ?

As much as I would like to blame someone else, the us has not intervened in the country since the coup attempt in 2002.

This whole economic mess is due to Chavez expropriation policies that killed private industry and foreign investments and the lack of will to diversify the economy away from oil, and of course a huge sprinkle of corruption, embezzlement and theft. Sadly I'm not able to see a light at the end of the tunnel for the country that's why I decided to leave before it's too late.

Tks for your response , from what I have heard US sanctions have played a role of catalyst for an unstable equilibrium of economy , does that hold true at all?

Hyperinflation and scarcity started way before sanctions came in and if you look at the sanctions they are targeted at the politicians and not the country itself and really if the oil industry got sanctioned, everyone would probably starve to death in 3 months since we are neck deep in debt with the Chinese and Russian, we depend 100% of food imports and 90%+ of the county income comes from oil, so any direct sanctions to our oil supply could kill our ability to import food thus everyone dies cuz we don't produce shit anymore due to things mentioned in other comments here.

tks of luck for your migration plans.

Thanks! I hope I was able to shed some light into the situation!

I guess not everybody have the priviledge to even get a flight tickrt there? All the best to you buddy.

Posted using Partiko Android

No they do not, I was pretty lucky myself. A lot of people leave by bus and even walking in n search for a better future. 2.3 million people have left the country since 2015 and I wouldn't be surprised if the number reached 3 million by the end of this year.

Is it possible for you to live there from steem?

I have been doing exactly this for the past few months, If I try really hard, I can live off 20$ a month but 50$ a month is optimal.

I think this is duable with steem. I hope you will find somewhere else to stay.

Thank you! Hopefully i find a nice place :-D

I am from Venezuela and the word FREEDOM has been erased from my mind and heart in a short time, its meaning is not yet clear to me, I have lived in a country that 200 years ago freed 5 nations from slavery and war.

But in my country FREEDOM is dying little by little, it has no breath left and every day gives its last breath, its streets can only feel the loneliness and fear of the uncontrolled dictatorship of a man who has led to misery a whole country.

If we look in a dictionary for the definition of freedom, we can find the following: "Freedom is the capacity of the conscience to think and act according to the will of the person."

It is so simple "power to decide and live" fully under our own responsibility, where every decision we make is expressed by our feelings and conviction.

To be a Venezuelan in a country trapped by corruption and dictatorship can, with time, eliminate the meaning of the word freedom from each one of us.