Venezuela's cut off diplomatic relations with the latest news: why off? The specific situation?

in venezuela •  6 years ago 

According to xinhua, venezuela's President, nicolas maduro 23 announced that venezuela formal diplomatic relations with the United States.

Maduro that afternoon at a rally near the presidential palace, said because the United States continuously conduct committee coup, venezuela's government decided to break off the diplomatic and political relations with the United States.

Maduro says he has signed documents, asked the us embassy in venezuela all diplomatic personnel evacuation within 72 hours. He said, the President of the United States support members of the opposition, parliament trump to appoint the chairman Juan melon "interim President" is highly intelligent behavior.
More than 23 earlier, melon in opposition supporters declared at the meeting as "interim President of venezuela. Trump immediately issued a statement, to appoint admitted melon "interim President," said the United States will continue to put pressure on venezuela through economic and diplomatic means.

To this, the government said, according to the committee, the Supreme Court ruled that the Venezuelan parliament since January 2016, has been in a state of illegal, so the parliamentary leader position and behavior are completely ineffective.

In the general election in May 2018, maduro, winning re-election, venezuela's President. This month 10, maduro was sworn in as the new President of venezuela. But some countries such as America refuse to admit maduro democracy and human rights of the new term, and increasing the economic, financial and trade sanctions.
Venezuela American diplomatic events trigger is 23 on the same day, venezuela's opposition party launched a massive demonstrations in the capital of Caracas, the opposition leader, melon, chairman of the Venezuelan parliament declared as the country's President a "temporary", then the President of the United States and Latin American nations leaders said trump acknowledges that trigger maduro, announced cut off diplomatic relations with us.

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