DolarToday aumenta.. En Venezuela se agudiza la CRISIS Económica - DolarToday increases .. In Venezuela the Economic CRISIS is sharpened

in venezuela •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hoy 25 de mayo del 2018 el Precio de un Dólar $ en la página oficial DolarToday.
>se COTIZA: 879347,22 Bs

Today May 25, 2018 the Price of a Dollar $ on the official page DolarToday.

it is QUOTED: 879347,22 Bs

La Crisis se agudiza, la Economía de un País se esta quebrando en pedazos, el salario mínimo de un trabajador en Venezuela es de 2.555.500 Bs (Equivalente 2,90$ dolares mensuales), El precio de la Canasta Básica Familiar es Bs 75.446.014,83. Aumentó 22.765.113,85 bolívares (58 salarios mínimos) equivalente a 86$ dolares mensuales, sin mencionar rubros de calzado y vestimenta, medicinas y aseo personal, El cual; se ha convertido en imposible para un pueblo que apenas le alcanza para medio comer.

Da dolor, tristeza y indignación lo que esta pasando este bello país tan rico, pero las malas gestiones Económica, los desfalcos multimillonarios han lleva aun pueblo a la ruina, tan grave se a convertido esto que la despensa de muchos se a convertido en su dispenza.....

"Venezuela Exige Libertad"

  • English:

The Crisis is sharpened, the Economy of a Country is breaking into pieces, the minimum wage of a worker in Venezuela is 2,555,500 Bs (Equivalent $ 2.90 per month), The price of the Basic Family Basket is Bs 75,446 .014.83. Increased 22,765,113.85 Bolivars (58 minimum salaries) equivalent to 86 $ dollars per month, without mentioning items of footwear and clothing, medicines and personal hygiene, which; It has become impossible for a people who barely have enough to eat.

It gives pain, sadness and indignation what is happening this beautiful country so rich, but the economic mismanagement, the multimillion dollar embezzlement have taken even people to ruin, so serious has become this that the pantry of many has become their dispenza .....

"Venezuela Demands Freedom"

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