RE: So, What Is Going on In Venezuela Today?

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So, What Is Going on In Venezuela Today?

in venezuela •  5 years ago 

Thank you for the update. Here is what I have seen: earlier today a military armored truck rammed directly into pro-Guaidó protesters in Caracas. Some say the Guaidó-backed military ran over its own protesters. You can see a Molotov cocktail at the truck prior the act. So, who knows the truth? Various other videos show protesters and military facing off. The United States leadership claims Cuba and Russia are helping Maduro. US Southern Command indicates it is 'monitoring' the actions in Venezuela. The US Vice President Pence said, "Estamos con ustedes! We are with you!"

Anti-government demonstrators clashed with troops loyal to Maduro at the air base in Caracas hours after Guaidó's attempt to lead a military uprising. The ruling socialist party chief, Diosdado Cabello, said most of Caracas was calm and called on government supporters to amass at the presidential palace to defend Maduro from what he said was a U.S.-backed coup attempt. The events appear not to have triggered a broader military revolt.

The U.N. says Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is urging all sides in Venezuela to exercise "maximum restraint," avoid any violence and take immediate steps to restore calm.

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So, who knows the truth?

exactly!! i mean, i would totally defend the military that is backing Guaido, but to tell you the true, i dont know the opposition has done some shitty things in the past, on the other hand it has happen so many times already i wonder why those guys fighting the armored truck didnt get out of the way, they know that the ones driving those are used to run over the protesters they should have run out of there. i really hope people protesting in there are more careful than that next time.

The events appear not to have triggered a broader military revolt.

yes that is why Guaido is calling all to the streets until more military revolt, is sad to think this needs to happen for the goverment to fall, and it will probably cause more dead than not but i dont really see a peaceful way out for Maduro.

Mr. @wordymouth omg thank you so much! i wasnt asking for any money! i will be honest and not say not to any money right now cause well the situation is hard, i thank you from the bottom of my heart! i also thank you for keeping an eye in what is happening in my country! thank you!!!

You're welcome. I will keep coming back here with updates as I get them.

i will go to buy some food cause well better be prepared than sorry thank you so much again for the gift!