I want to vent, so I will.

in vent •  2 years ago 


I loath this whole, take a side bullshit. Does that mean I need to cut off a same-side arm and leg so I only have one side?

I think anyone who actually gave it some thought and who is not directly involved in the MIC would say, yes, yay, lets spend trillions of tax dollars to invade and destroy foreign nations, kill millions, steal their resources and then hang around longer to steal more? I'm skeptical that any wars fought in my lifetime were legitimate, but I know for sure, those of the past few decades certainly have not been. So, yes I am anti-war for profit. What side does that put me on?

Over my lifetime and travels, including ten years in SF, I have had lots of gay friends. I was a huge proponent of gay marriage because I heard stories of couples who had been together for many years, and acquired a home and possessions, when the remaining partner was left with nothing, because he or she had no legal rights. I worked with lots of gay people, even went to a couple of parties with the lesbian who worked next to me. Yes, back then, (I moved away in 1999), SF was a lovely tolerant city. Yes, there were a few homeless people, but there were still lots of shelters and help for those that wanted it. I even worked in a homeless shelter after work for a time, helping serve up dinners. I knew then those that would make it out of there. They were the residents that were working in the kitchen with me, and talking with me, telling me their stories. There were still safety nets.

Oh, and all this black/white race baiting is driving me nuts. My first husband was a black man, married in 1970. Very aware of what racism is, but back then, there was little race on race violence, and often it just was necessary for neighbors and friends to get to know each other and become friends, which was our case. Seems we still remembered MLK reminding us to judge each other by our depth of integrity, not by the pigment of our skins.

I had two trans guys as neighbors in SF when I was living in the Upper Haight. I didn't know them well, but I gave one of them my fish tank and tropical fish when I moved. He said he wanted them. Neither of those trannies pretended to be any particular sex, they were just a bit different, but seriously, other than perhaps some tourists, no one gave a shit. I believe in live and let live, so long as not intentionally hurting another by ones actions.

What is going on, according to stories and articles I have been reading, in grade schools, and colleges, these days is pure downright propaganda and sexualizing young children. Fuck, when I was 6 or 7, I wanted to be a boy. I was a tomboy, and it seemed boys just got away with more stuff. I would have been so easily entrapped in that entire sex-change gender thing going on, and even being legalized in some states where the parents don't even need to be advised? This is insanity. Do I believe that there is very likely a small percentage of people whose chromosomes get a bit discombobbled, and they sincerely do identify emotionally differently than the physicality they were born with. Yes, absolutely. We should accept and respect each other as we were born and as we are, but teaching this to children is a crime. Most of us are not even all that certain of our sexuality until puberty kicks in, at least if we were not sexualized at a very early age. Tolerance of our differences is one thing. Pushing agendas on others is quite another thing. One must also ask, who and what is profiting from all this gender adjustment surgery, and all the drugs and perpetual medical care thereafter? It's evil.

Oh, and I am supposed to take a side in a two-party system, pretending to be representing a democracy, like be a Demoncrat or be a Repubnant? The vast majority of those characters are just the ugly component of Hollyweird. They are all controlled by the same multinational corporate owners and spew the same bullshit in every direction, pretending to be different. What a freaking clown show. I'm supposed to take sides? Yes, once in a while, an outsider comes along, but we've seen what happens to them, eh? No, don't expect me to belong to either of those manufactured and controlled political parties.

Just want to say one thing about abortion. I think abortion should be legal. There will always be situations where a young woman needs to make that choice. I was one of them, when it was illegal. That said, folks should do a bit of their own research on the topic. Abortion should not be a contraceptive. Young men and women should be taught to take precautions when they have sex, period! Late term abortion is to my mind, evil. There are things happening to those unborn fetuses that you really don't want to know, but you should look into it because otherwise, no one will stop it.

Well, I suppose I could go on, but I'm running out of steam at the moment. I've lost friends, many, here and in real life, who wanted me to take a side, and I'm sorry, I think I'd rather be alone than pretend.

But, thanks to you that I know get it. And thanks for listening. And, no, you don't have to agree with me, but I'm not on anyone's side. I'm on everyone's side.

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