How to choose ventilation in a private house or cottage

in ventilation •  2 years ago 

Anyone who decides to build a country house or cottage knows perfectly well how important ventilation is. The correct answer to the question of whether this system is really so necessary in a private house can be someone who knows how important fresh air is to a person.

Over the past few years, the issue of organizing high-quality ventilation in private homes has been treated with special responsibility, largely due to the trends that can be traced in modern construction. The building intended for housing is insulated to prevent heat loss, it needs to seal the window frames and other manipulations leading to the complete sealing of the house. As a result, fresh air cannot enter naturally, and ventilation can only be provided by opening windows and doors. If we are talking about the winter period, then such measures can hardly be called effective, since it should be taken into account that heat is also removed from the rooms at the same time. Thus, the owners of housing in which the ventilation system is not built properly. For more info, you can visit our official website at

In a residential building, full-fledged air exchange is required regardless of what it is built from. Efficient operation of the ventilation system is only possible using the so-called mechanical drive.

If the ventilation system is initially designed correctly, then fresh air will be supplied to the living room, nursery and bedroom, being removed from those rooms that are among the "dirty areas" - this is the kitchen, bathroom and corridor. Thus, unpleasant odors do not spread around the house, and the air that is considered supply air and comes from the street is additionally carefully processed. The main thing is to correctly determine which ventilation system for a private house or cottage will be the best option.

Types of ventilation systems for the home

Even at the design stage of any house, it is necessary to correctly build the terms of reference, based on the wishes of the customer and the budget of the project. It is at this moment that the best option for equipment designed to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the house is selected.

Natural ventilation system

Regardless of the size of a private house or cottage, natural exhaust ventilation must be present in it without fail. In order to ensure the full operation of such a system, it is necessary to build in special risers - ventilation ducts - into the main walls of the premises belonging to the "dirty zones", which can ensure the constant removal of exhaust air, leaving above the roof ridge. It is enough to do everything right once and without mistakes so that the ventilation is arranged in accordance with all the rules, starting in the living quarters and ending in the hood in the bathroom or kitchen.

Forced ventilation

Forced ventilation is often used as a supplement to natural exhaust. Outdoor air is thus supplied by means of air ventilators of the supply type ventilation unit or ducted air conditioners. Additionally, the air coming from outside can be cleaned or even heated, for which a heater is used.

Exhaust ventilation

In order to create forced ventilation of the exhaust type, it is enough to use special devices that can direct the exhaust air in the room and ensure its full outflow through the ventilation duct to the street. The advantage of such systems is that they can be used to provide the necessary air exchange rate. At the same time, their operation does not depend in any way on weather conditions; neither wind, nor temperature, nor atmospheric pressure and humidity have any effect on the efficiency of work.

Supply and exhaust ventilation system with heat recovery

Forced supply and exhaust ventilation of a mechanical type with preliminary air filtration is relevant in cases where it is required to process polluted air or provide a full-fledged microclimate in the house, which is built from materials that give it increased tightness and provide heat saving. The use of such a ventilation system allows you to quickly remove exhaust air masses from the house, while simultaneously supplying fresh air to it, for which high-performance devices equipped with a recuperator are used. Such a device additionally heats the supply air, taking heat from the exhaust air masses for this, which are still removed from the house and thus bring the last benefit.

The advantage of the air handling unit with heat recovery is the minimum power consumption. The air is heated due to the presence of a layer of cellulose. Ventilation units of this type operate with minimal noise, perfectly balancing the air flow between the outdoor environment and the room.

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