Bitcoin Cash - Spendin' cash, talkin' trash

in ver •  7 years ago 

There are so many articles, tweets, op-eds and blogs about the ‘virtues’ and ‘supremacy’ of Bitcoin Cash it is hard to keep up. We are grateful Bitcoin Core have no impulse to promote their virtues so heavily.
The prolific output does make you wonder if Bitcoin Cash supports have a Napoleon complex? They seem so desperate to be taken seriously; to be the ‘In Crowd’.
Maybe Roger Ver is considering proclaiming a rallying anthem for Bitcoin Cash devotees.
If so might I suggest Dobie Gray’s ‘The In Crowd’ .
I particularly like the fifth verse.

“We got our own way of walkin'
We got our own way of talkin', yeah
Anytime of the year, don't you hear?
Spendin' cash, talkin' trash”

Yup! That seems to sum up most up the bTrash’s, sorry Bitcoin Cash, crowd.

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