What does your future hold when you cannot verify your proof of residence because of lack of fixed location or billing verifications?

in verification •  7 years ago 

I’m in a unique situation in many regards, I have no direct debits or standing orders or use a regular bank account, I have one bill that covers my rent, water, electric, heating that I pay mostly with cash made from income from residual income from online courses or crypto currency paid out by the blockchain.

I’m not trying to be difficult or awkward I’m just trying to survive and live out the life I want, the way I want too away from a world of often middlemen, poor budgeting, bad infrastructure decision making and back handers. I know because I’ve worked for local council and know how poorly run some of that stuff is, I’ve been through it. I’ve seen it first hand.

if not stated some of my photos are from unsplash a free site for images, also you can grab some cool images from nomad.pictures a site i run with @dayleeo to get pictures out of the camera roll and onto the web

Now don’t get me wrong, we need infrastructure, we need planes, roads, boats, service people, medical services, all the wonderful things that a modern civilisation has brought us, in fact in some regards it’s staggering that any of it exists at all at times, it’s a revolution in progress so I’m not knocking any of it I’m just saying that maybe it doesn’t always run at the speed of the tsunami edge of where the technology intersection now exists.

Recently I’ve been trying to get my verification validated by cryptopay.me and although we have done 2 out of the 3 methods, the last one is a stumbling block that has me concerned to the verifications methods that work and the ones that are obviously getting left behind by new technologies and progress in general — I was for instance verified for using the service revolut in five minutes, I was kinda blown away by that but that’s how it should be.

so what will define the priority?

One of the first videoblogging stories I did was at a church documenting people who were homeless that were coming together for a hot drink and some food and sleeping on a mattress in the church overnight on so many nights a week — it was my first vlogging project that wanted to expose the local newspaper saying it did’nt have a problem in the local area when obviously there was.

So now we have crypto and it’s decentralised nature, some people are living decentralised as well, no fixed address, constantly on the move between borders and locations, three months in one place, visa for another place for six months, obviously paperwork needs to go somewhere and while you can get that sent to an online service to be OCR scanned or forwarded when you need to produce bills for proof of residence that starts to become problematic.

So then, do we need a blockchain style service for people in flux in terms of location and movement, what are we asking anyway when we ask about where someone lives especially when most online databases are getting hacked these days anyway — we need something new, we need a better series of validation and verification checks that work better than just some local land registry lookup or proof of residence address which can probably be faked anyway — what I’m saying is the blockchain ledger is perfect for a persons movements, engagement, payments and otherwise.

Imagine how it could for instance revolutionise the basic old tried and tested curriculum vitae. Remove the paper component, remove posting five hundred or more cv’s to a business for them to run through a filtering system, what if you could absolutely prove that the person had done tests, had certain finances on the public blockchain, had people that could sign on behalf of you because of trust in the blockchain rather than the current methods we have.

could we have an ever moving, always relevant validation and verification system that you is you and that you can afford either your travel transition or validate you to be able to take a credit card backed by your blockchain assets?

What’s your thoughts? I’m kinda interested in this before this becomes a problem, maybe an ICO or blockchain already exists out there?

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Excellent post I can fully sympathise with. Only thing to add is always save the letter your card, revolut in your case, comes with. That letter with the card attached can often be used as as an address proof of residence. Also these days, many online financial services use your gps location to match your address and accept this for verification. The more online banking services you can sign up to , the easier it becomes for proof of address. Caveat is that manyof these online banks have monthly fees sadly.
Hope Mr Humble is having a good day, best wishes to you fella :-)

PS what happens when its card replacement time and youve moved is a problem for another day !

exactly. all old problems looking for a modern day solution. thanks for taking the time to comment and check in! :)

great reads here @teamhumble, i was thinking about that problem if we need adress verification, what if we don't have permanent address and we live life to enjoy, for example traveling, being a nomad , stuff like that... i am still searching for a solution..

there are solutions mate, especially if you at least haveca driving license and passport....passport is proof of identity but NOT address, DL is proof of address but not identity, generally speaking. The rest there are workarounds, but like Teamhumble said, a more workable and elegant solution needs to be found.

i just think we have a lot of social trust in the 'crowd' and it's about time we started using it. don't get me started about how i feel about job centres and how they should all be shut down and instead we should be scanning facebook to see what the interactions are between people and maybe match them to actual volenterr positions depending on their interests. oh wait. i just told you. dammit!

thanks, i wanna expand on it at some point of course. just getting some new software updates first so i can make better video around it.

Something like a biometric Id saved on a blockchain ?

good article

shit response

I think you can get a relative to let you use their address as a residence. You might also be able to use a service like mailbox.com to set up an address. There's an article on the solutions full-time RV people use, which might work for you. https://axleaddict.com/rvs/Full-Time-RVingHow-to-Establish-State-Residency

what if you have no relatives. what if your not in the US, it's way bigger than the current 'solutions' - i get you but it's gonna be a much bigger thing i'm certain.

I hear you. I guess I was just thinking out loud a bit, as I'd been wondering about the same thing. I came up with US-biased solutions off the top of my head.

I like your idea for verification on the blockchain. It would probably be more reliable and accessible from anywhere.