Verify ownership

in verify •  4 years ago 


Verify ownership

Little A wants to verify whether Little B knows the safe password, but Little B does not want Little A to see the safe password:

Little A stands in the distance;

Under the cover, Little B entered the password and opened the safe;

Little B took out one of the things in the safe;

If Little A thinks that the thing is only in the safe, then Little A can think that Little B does have the password for the safe.


Corporate Credit

Scenario: Bank A needs to verify whether Bank A’s salary is greater than RMB 2,000 before lending to Small B, but Small B does not want Bank A to know what his salary is.


Three, classification

  1. Interactive zero-knowledge proof: The verifier and the prover need to interact, as in 1 in the example.

  2. Non-interactive zero-knowledge proof: No interaction between the verifier and the prover is required, as in example 2.

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