Scared of ICOs but Love the ROI from 'em? Surely you'll Love this - The Token Market.

in vertex •  6 years ago 

This is my entry for the sponsored writing contest organized by @monajam. You can find the contest here.


Since the Bitcoin and Altcoins boom, some investors have me more than 15,000x Return on investment and this has gotten the attention of other individuals, some infants and others giants in these investment niches.

Just as it attracted investors hungry for some legitimate nice profits, it has also attracted nefarious minds who would go to unbelievable lengths just to fleece both witting and unwitting investors of their money. As matter of fact, some of them have succeeded and have made away with millions of dollars. Pincoin and iFan are very notable examples who swindled over 32000 investors of over $660 million combined[1].

...How do they achieve this?🤔
At the launch of a blockchain project, the team makes available to the public, a percentage of the total supply of their created security or utility tokens or cryptocurrencies, to buy and hodl them, so that they make profits from the gains these purchased digital currencies make as the project makes significant progress in their market. This is similar to buying shares of stocks from firms in Initial public offerings (IPOs). For cryptocurrencies, they are called Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), sometimes Initial Token Offerings (ITOs), or Initial Token Sales (ITS).

There are no agreements signed in this new method of Crowdfunding powered by the blockchain technology and as such, Investors must take a leap of faith while purchasing thess tokens. For some, that leap has become a financial leap, for others, it has become their greatest mistake.

These frequent occurrences of scams and ponzi-like schemes buried under the blockchain technology are stigmatizing the cryptosphere and limiting its full potential. As a result of this, teams who have a real-life solution and mean well do not get the required investment they need to proceed and investors are left biting their fingers when projects they missed by a tiny gap of fear, blossoms.

Just in time to solve these menacing problems, I present to you Vertex, the token market.


Introducing Vertex.


Seeing the myriad of scams that spring up day by day and time after time, participating in ICOs or ITOs would involve due diligence and expertise on the side of the investor and painstaking convincing efforts on the path of blockchain projects who mean well to attract investments from skeptical investors. Vertex bridges this gap of diligence and skepticism with a decentralized and secured token market that offers investors high probability ROI ICOs and blockchain projects with the required efforts in convincing institutional investors via professional vetting done on them and also significant initial investments as they purchase their yet in-house cryptocurrencies if they pass all vetting categories and processes.


What is Vertex?


Vertex is an ICO aftermarket for meticulously selected, evaluated and established tokens that will have successful ICOs and get launched on exchanges with the sole objective of increasing the chances of getting ROIs from successful ICO investments. The vertex platform and ecosystem is the first of its kind which will make the current ICO scams of investors the last of its kind to a high extent. Taking the sweat and stress of ICO participation and marketing off investors and project teams respectively, Vertex aims to heal the entire cryptosphere of the stigma casted upon it by fraudulent ICOs.


How Vertex Achieves it's Objectives

The Vertex platform is the beating heart of the Vertex Ecosystem. Before the token of any ICO makes its way into the platform, it MUST have gone through and met the requirements of an intense vetting process that tests for its viability. Seeing the significance of this platform enlisting phase, it begs the question, just intense is the vetting process?🤔

Vertex's Vetting Process.

Vertex releases a team of analysts and private equity investors armed with a vast experience from Angle and Seed investments on ICOs to determine their chances of succeeding before investing in them. In addition to other characteristics relevant to ICO governance from trusted crypto firms such as Smith+Crown[2], Vertex proceeds by collecting and categorizing ICOs data for the next filtering process.

In the filtering process, 75% of the ICOs are discarded with the strongest selected based on their business plan, advisors and team quality. The second phase involves another discard of 75% of the ICOs remaining after the first cutoff after another analysis of gathered data. The investment team then organizes a face to face meeting with the scrutiny survivals to get more involved with it. This phase eliminates another 50% of ICOs being vetted. Finally, the last ICOs standing are presented with conditions of Vertex involvement with the project Including purchase discounts and Vertex tokens means of payment.

The question, "Why will ICOs go through this Intense vetting process anyway?" comes to mind when one considers the strenuous and demanding nature of Vertex vetting just described. The reasons why I would allow a team would allow their ICO pass through the vetting process becomes crystal clear when we consider the nature of the Ecosystem.

Another common thought about the Vertex model would be, "Who would vet the vetter?".
The Ecosystem answers this questions innovatively as well.

Vertex's Ecosystem


Just as light attracts insects at night primarily for warmth, The Vertex Ecosystem attracts ICOs and investors to itself by providing heart-warming benefits.
The ecosystem starts with a private crypto management firm named Vertex Capital which consists of Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWI) of $100 million or more. At the successful completion of the Vertex vetting by an ICO, Vertex Capital invests at least $500k in the ICO with crypto Including Vertex tokens (at least 35%), giving the team a significant amount of funds even before the commencement of their token sale. In addition to this, the project is stamped with the Vertex seal of Approval which raises its credibility and reputation.

These UHNWIs are highly reputational and disciplined business men and women who wouldn't risk their reputation or investments for nothing. As such, working with the team of analysts and private equity investors who vet, they self-govern themselves to make sure that there are no fowl practices that would tarnish their reputation. In other words, they vet the vetters. It's more like a consensus algorithm called the Proof of Reputation, where nodes would not harm an ecosystem because their reputations are at stake.

The Vertex platform also brings to these ICOs only approved imvestors who have successfully completed their KYC procedures. The token market creates a channel ICO teams to sell their tokens after ICO completion before it is listed on exchanges.

Don't think that the ecosystem doesn't benefit Investors too, as a matter of fact it does. In addition to providing carefully curated ICOs to users, Vertex provides a one time for all KYC procedure. In other words there will be no need to repeat KYC procedures for every ICO you wish to invest in. Most viable token sales are usually coveted from the public, and so, deprives the public of its benefits. Vertex opens up such ICOs to the public in the vertex platform. To make ICO investing even better, Vertex lists these ICOs at discounted prices relative to the public sale price for early participators. Vertex does not fail to realise the Importance of liquidity in investments to investors and it meets this end through constant injection of funds gotten from its ICO and the UHNWIs.

Security is paramount for any fund handling platform. To account for this, Vertex uses cold storages and multi-signature wallets for the ICO tokens and cryptographically secure user accounts also with available 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) features.

The Vertex Platform BETA is set to launch already with features such as; OTC Platform, Decentralized Servers, No private Keys stored on servers, News and Ratings, Latest Offering and historical performances of previously supported ICOs.


How to buy Tokens in the Vertex Market

After completing the KYC procedures, it takes at most 48hours to be approved. After the approval, a user (Vertex token holder) can buy in any ICO token listed on the market. The criteria on which it was approved will also be disclosed on the platform, other users comments, comments, price etcetera. After a token selection and confirmation, the platform generates a one-time unique ETH address to which you would send your Vertex tokens which had earlier been acquired with either Ethereum or Bitcoin. The address from which the tokens are sent must be registered for everytime the user changes it. Confirmation of intention to buy ICO tokens without funds transfer 3times will lead to freezing of your account.


Vertex's Token and Tokensale

The Vertex Platform is powered by the Vertex token (VTEX). VTEX is a utility token which is used for transactions in the Token market and also serves as a toll in the platform for some services, in addition to the user rights it gives as "Vertex Holders". VTEX is an ERC20 token based on Ethereum and it will not be mined. Vertex also provides an ERC20 wallet to store these VTEX tokens and other cryptocurrencies. The wallet is positioned to be upgradable to become ERC23 token compliant.

After the Initial Token Sale (ITS) where 60% of the total supply - 300,000,000 VTEX - will be offered to the public, the unsold tokens will be burned. It is softcapped and hardcapped at $3,000,000 and $44,700,000 respectively.

The token sale will begin on the the 1st of October, 2018, allowing a minimum contribution of $50 and an infinite maximum contribution.

Vertex Airdrop is Currently On! Click here, if you're interested in getting 24VTEX.


Vertex ICO Ratings



Vertex Team

The Vertex Platform is the brainchild of Alessandro Pecorelli, an experienced software guru who has triumphed in the software services market of Saudi Arabia. With his dedicated team and investors, they are all set to make ICOs a safer field of play.


Vertex Investors



Vertex Advisers



Vertex ICO Partners



The Future of ICOs from The Vertex Lens

Despite the risks involved, only bravehearts like you and I😏, have summed up the courage to dabble in the perilous digital value environment called the cryptosphere and indeed some of us have reaped the gains. Some other Investors are torn between the doubts and the gains and while still contemplating, the have losed huge gains. Vertex has brought a solution that levels the risk of associated with ICOs and help investors focus more on which is best amongst the bests and how to raise funds to meet these investment targets.

In addition, the world has lost its focus on the potentials of this revolutionary technology - the blockchain and cryptocurrencies - simply because of the nefarious minds who have leveraged the abilities of the blockchain to commit heinous crimes and swindle funds. The solution Vertex proposes can help the world return her focus to developing solutions to make the standard of living better just like Vertex will help many Investors get thousand times returns on their Investments.


Vertex Roadmap



Vertex Media Mentions

Disclosure is one of the signs of a viable ICO as mentioned by Smith+Crown. In other words the more an ICO is featured on reputable media channels the more viable and transformative it will be. Based on this, we can then say that the Vertex project has a bright future ahead of it as it has been featured by a whole lot of the big shots of Crypto information dissemination.


More Information and Resources

See Video below for more clarity of the Vertex Token market.

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Very informative and well explained review, thanks @ced000.

This project seems quite interesting to me but I am not sure if ICO industry needs such solution. There are already plenty of platforms (ICO Bench, Track ICO etc.) on which experts review and analyze ICOs. I suppose that if you spend some time to do research you are always able to avoid scams. What do you think?

Wish you the best in the contest!

True, ICObench and other platforms like it does vetting as well. But they usually do not support the Project. Vertex, not only vets them, but supports the project with like a seed fund, with at least 30% Vertex tokens. Also for users, It creates a level ground for everyone to participate in all these ICOs Including the ones restricted to private sales, depriving the public of its benefits and potential gains.

Vertex might be similar to ICObench and the others, but it creates much more benefits than them. To both investors and ICOs.

Thanks for stopping by pete😏

Thanks for your reply @ced000, I understood the difference :)

All the best

Very well written my friend @ced000. I previously heard about Vertex but I think I didn't get the concept well.Thank you for such a great article - I think I got the concept now.Keep posting amazing article.

Wish you good luck for the challenge.

Thanks for visiting my friend.
Nothing gives a writer more joy than this - Seeing that his post created an understanding in a reader.

A very big Thanks to you.

You're Always Welcome my friend @ced000.