in veterans •  2 years ago  (edited)

Good morning, Steemians! 😊
One of our many squirrels having a taunt/chat with our handsome grand puppy Tiny. 😊
We had more snow come this week, oh joy, like we needed more, NOT, so if anyone wants some just let me know and I’ll see what I can do about getting it sent your way instead of always coming here. 😊
Our other handsome grand puppy Shadow on the hunt in the snow. 😊
There was a group of Snow Buntings on the driveway, but when I went to get my phone/camera out of my pocket to snap a picture of them, all but this one took off into the apple trees. This one just stood there staring at the squirrel beside me while I snapped this picture. 😊
There is one female turkey that is always faster than the others when I come out with my camera, and I only ever seem to capture 10 of our 11 turkeys in a group shot. 😊
It’s nice that the turkeys and pigeons get along. 😊
I’ve been spotted. 😊
Some of our squirrels are unhappy that the turkeys are coming into what they consider “their territory” and have tried to chase the turkeys away, but have thankfully, been unsuccessful in scaring them away. 😊
Turkeys heading across our front yard and going to visit our neighbour. 😊
We made more coconut cookies this week. The ones on the left were a soft, chewy cookie and the ones on right were a nice crunchy cookie. 😊
The pigeons and turkeys putting on a show. 😊
I made a double batch of coffee cake this week and the first row was gone before it had even fully cooled. I used my mother-in-law’s recipe which has always been a family favourite. 😊
This view lets me breath. God is good and blesses us with some amazing sunsets from here. 😊
Our handsome bull Prince Lee giving us what has become known as his “Where’s my evening apple?” stare. 😊
I had never seen one of these before. Have you ever seen a baby Ladybug before seeing this picture? My handsome husband spotted it and pointed it out to me. 😊
The same baby Ladybug on a card being transported over to the plants. 😊
More gorgeous sunset colours that we enjoyed this week. 😊
We had three very handsome Tom turkeys here Friday morning, they came along with our usual flock of 11. This is a shot of them strutting their stuff for the hens. 😊
They put on quite a show for the ladies, well, right up until our daughter arrived. The moment they saw her car they headed for the woods, but we know they’ll be back for supper. 😊
Friday, we did some more baking to get us through the weekend. We made cinnamon raison bread (pictured above), brown bread, and some parmesan cheese rolls to go with the chili I started in the slow cooker. 😊
The parmesan cheese rolls turned out really nice and went well with the chili. They didn’t last long though. 😊
This chili is a tick spicier than my last one. I ran out of my dehydrated peppers and had to use some of the ones I chopped up and put in the freezer last month, but it still turned out tasty, at least to my handsome husband and myself. 😊
My handsome husband and I harvested a bunch of Indian Corn at the end of last summer. We had it hanging in the basement to dry and have been feeding the cobs to our chickens, bull, and all our visiting feathered friends and squirrels since the snow arrived in October. The turkeys love them almost as much as our other animals. Well, we spent a bit of time removing the kernels from the dried corn cobs that were left in the basement yesterday and got approximately 7 pounds of kernels off of them. I can just imagine how many we would have gotten if we’d done it with all the corn we harvested. Oh, well, this year we’ll get even more cobs, and we’ll try for 20 pounds. Eventually we’ll have enough to feed everyone through an entire winter, that will be very cool. 😊
Well, that was how things have been going for us here. I hope you have all been safe and healthy and have had an amazing week! 😊 I’m grateful to God for blessing us with another week to share with you here. 😊 God bless you all. 😊 Have an awesome week everyone! 😊
Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. 😊 Thank you to @zainenn for the GHSC footer as well. 😊

(All photos taken by me or for me by my handsome husband on my Huawei P30 Lite or Samsung S20FE5G.) (https://frostyamber.picfair.com is the address for my Picfair site if anyone’s interested in checking it out.)

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