Good morning, Steemians! 😊
The snow is starting to melt, here comes spring. 😊
How many squirrels can you find in this photo? Hint, there are more than two. 😊
This lovely lass is our neighbour’s hen Jemima. She’s been hanging out in our barn with her best friend Phyllis and their rooster Jack, also our neighbours, and our bull Prince Lee all winter. She lays greenish/blue eggs and we’re hoping the five of her eggs we have in the incubator all hatch out, or if the power outage from last week messed those eggs up, we still have a chance to have a few of her eggs hatching under Phyllis out in the barn. 😊
Some of our pretty sunset colours this week. 😊
Handsome Jack (our neighbour’s rooster) and Jemima hanging out in the barn. 😊
I managed to catch 4 of the 5 squirrels that were hanging out with us in this picture. 😊
Pigeons coming in for a landing. 😊
These chicks are so soft, they are too fast for me, and I haven’t gotten to cuddle them all. I have managed to cuddle Pansy (foreground right), Cappuccino (the third white/yellow bird towards the back on the left), Floyd (the dark one beside Cappuccino and Dot (the one along the back of the brooder box with the black spot on her wings and back,) so far. I’m working on the others still, don’t worry, I’ll get them to let me cuddle them eventually. 😊
I could never use my toes to hang on like this, heck I doubt I could do it with my fingers if I’m being totally honest. 😊
I can’t believe how quickly these cuties are growing. 😊
Our adult flock outside working on the garden for us. 😊
If you’ve never watched a group of young chicks playing “keep away” with treats, I would highly recommend it for your mental health. It’s a great way of wiling away your day and more entertaining than most television offerings these days. 😊
The Blackbirds and Red-winged Blackbirds returned this week. 😊
The rhubarb waking back up. 😊
My handsome husband added logs last week and this week he added some compost and grass clumps for the chicks to practice their scratching skills in. They’ll be ahead of the class by the time it warms up enough for them to go out into the garden for the first time, but they’ll be ready. 😊
A second flock of Blackbirds and Red-winged Blackbirds showed up to join the first flock later in the week. 😊
Pansy getting her close-up. 😊
The mint is waking up. 😊
So is the lavender. 😊
Our handsome bull Prince Lee supervising the chickens as they work over in the garden. 😊
Our neighbour’s hen Phyllis has been broody for quite a while now and this week she hatched out her first egg beneath her out in the barn. 😊
There’s her first ever hatched egg, we’re going to call her Tweety. 😊
Pansy was the first chick to figure out how to come out and say hello. 😊
We think her furry feet are adorable. 😊
She’s got all kinds of personality and she’s a sweetheart too. 😊
The always pretty Nacho coming up to say hello yesterday while we were enjoying the Sabbath. 😊
After chatting with me for a few minutes, Nacho decided to go over and stretch out for some sunbathing fun on my handsome husband’s leg. 😊
She even took a quick nap on him. I think this is my favourite picture of her from the day. 😊
Well, that was how things have been going for us here. I hope you have all been safe and healthy and have had an amazing week! 😊 I’m grateful to God for blessing us with another week to share with you here. 😊 God bless you all. 😊 Have an awesome week everyone! 😊
Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. 😊 Thank you to @zainenn for the GHSC footer as well. 😊
(All photos taken by me or for me by my handsome husband on my Huawei P30 Lite or Samsung S20FE5G.) ( is the address for my Picfair site if anyone’s interested in checking it out.)