A snowy Veterans Day 2019.

in veteransday •  5 years ago 

**A snowy Veterans Day 2019.
It has come to my attention that there are people I know personally and friends via social media who are lacking critical thinking skills.
I know, I’ve just come to this realization? No, it has become more and more apparent over the past three years. There are those of us who are able to critically think for ourselves and have those two neurons and a working synapse and make use of them.
I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t pay close attention to current cultural norms and values. I don’t believe I’ve ever been that dialed in to the latest fads and trends. I become aware of them, and yet I’m not one to go looking for the next and best greatest thing.
I’m not certain what snapped in people with the election of Donald Trump as our 45th President. Whatever it was, it was the snap heard round the world. People whom I thought of as reasonable and reasoned individuals overnight became Mr. Hyde to their personal public persona. And Mr. Hyde has taken over for many of them, in my observations.
People, when presented with facts or asked to support their claims with citations and facts, are incapable of performing these easiest of tasks. They have become minions of the statist, legacy media. They watch, listen or read, national news, local radio broadcasts, or, gasp, a still printed local newspaper.
In this, 2019, and current age of the always-on fountain of news and information from a plethora of sources, these minion’s are dinosaurs continuing to consume outmoded and outdated information and news sources. While this mode of personal news gathering was fine 40-50 years ago, the times have changed and yet, these people are going the way of the dodo.
When I present some readily available facts to these individuals, they clutch their pearls, feign ignorance and look at me as if I were speaking Chinese or Russian. I pity these folks and hope that they will realize the errors of their ways. If they do, welcome aboard, and if not, we’re moving forward without you.

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