The Hidden Law of Vibration and what is really going on! Can it be used For you or Against you? See evidence of how it has been used and can be used! You must understand the underlying grid!

in vibrationalgridnetwork •  2 years ago  (edited)

Is one of the great secrets surrounding the fact that geometries act like antennas to resonate with higher planes of creation?

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Then as a secondary effect do they emanate from the shape caused wave particular vibration?

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That is the result of that particular connection?

Is it clear they knew enough about it not just to work with the negative green ray, but to actually to work with sub bands or sub energies inside the general band.

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The placement of the King's Chamber inside the Great Pyramid is not in the exact middle, where one might expect it to be.

It's about 6 degrees or 15 minutes off of center.

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That's to get a particular carrier wave within the negative green band as this is known as the "sweet spot" within the entire band.

It is known as the sweet spot because it can connect a person through a carrier wave to higher dimensional levels.

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This is why this place in the King's Chamber was used for these energy initiation rituals as described by the Free Masons and others.

This is the vertical and horizontal wave pendulum.

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For each of the bands, the energy may either propagate parallel to the earth's surface or a horizontal wave, or it can move perpendicular which is a vertical wave.

They create different biological effects.
There are two different pendulums to be able to detect it.
These are simple to use and can be set to particular angles.
Then you can detect any of the vibrational bands that you would like.

In order to detect the energy of the center, the BG3 Energy there is a pendulum designed in such a way that it resonates like an antenna with those vibrations.

Can this not only be used for design purposes to design things that have a strong vibration to them, but also used to test things that Also have this energy?

What makes a powerful spot in nature considered to be spiritual?

Is it that it has a strong concentration of this universal harmonizing force. . .the BG3?

Is every classical tradition the guardian of particular places on earth's surfaces they claim to be their Spiritual Power Spots?

Can you identify a false one by one that has a strong concentration of this BG3 vibration?

Are you a transmitter, a receiver or even both? You decide!

Check this out!


Is your physical body a microcosm in which these spiritual power spots appear as. . .

  • the chakras
  • Acupuncture points
  • Cells of the body
    so all which naturally have this BG3 energy?

Did you know that in Egyptian Temple Science, one of the core concepts was they had a grid pattern

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The 19 level grid was connected to the Archetypal Energy Body of the human being.

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According to Dr. Karim's work,

When this grid was used to create statues in Ancient Egypt, and the statues were erected on a sacred power spot (which radiates specific vibrational qualities), then the statue would radiate harmony (and resonance with the Human Spiritual Archetype) through the area. This kind of archetypal statue connects the original spiritual law with humanity; the energy of these Statues is alive, like a living person in prayer. Huge statues of this kind placed on Power Spots in ancient Egypt had tremendous power.

Dr. Karim has integrated his discovery of the Human Archetype Grid into practical training methods.

In the BioGeometry® Foundation Training, students learn to directly test different energy qualities, and methods to create highly beneficial energies. One of the many methods taught at this level is the use of specific number qualities in design: because of the powerful and profound energies which the proper use of a 19 grid creates, we tend to use this number’s vibrational qualities for designing spiritual locations and not for locations for more general use, or for the general public.

In the BioGeometry Advanced Training, students are taught how to use a special energy measurement device based on the Human Archetype Grid, which Dr. Karim calls the Human Archetype Ruler or the BG3 Ruler (another name for the BioGeometry ®Human Archetype Ruler, as BG3 is the energy which balances and centers all living energy systems.) This amazing tool allows BioGeometry® practitioners to directly test any living being (human, animal or plant), any location, and even inanimate objects for their vibrational quality and quantity. With a special attachment that has shapes connected to different Planes of Nature, practitioners can also test on any Plane level of the energy system: Physical, Vitality, Emotional, Mental, Causal, Spiritual, or Divine. This master energy testing tool also can be adapted as an energy balancing device, to be set up in any space for powerful vibrational effects.

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When the knowledge of how to create these Archetypal Code statues was lost, statues became “graven images” with no internal life or function, no resonance with higher powers.

This is thought of in the west in modern times as causal plane fields level.
In ancient Egypt they had different names for this.

On the causal plane level, this energetic grid was used to pattern out everything on the Temple Walls so that they had a vibration on the wall like it was a living being.

That grid itself was adapted by Dr. Karim after he discovered it, to become a vibrational tool that allows us to actually detect on what we call the human archetype ruler.

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Putting a sample and moving up the central axis, we can test on 10 different BG quality levels.

Once you add in a secondary axis. . .it makes the entire thing come alive!

2nd axis
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When the two axis are together, it activates the dormant energy and at that point, we use it as an energy balancing tool and as an energy projector.

This was one of the fundamental sciences from the ancient world that has been hidden from the masses.

They understood that the entire earth is based on a vibrational grid network

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that then manifests on any particular point of land in a set of energetic lines that superimpose in particular ways.

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These energy lines may have a detrimental quality that are known as geopathic grids

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or they may have highly beneficial qualities as when they are on a sacred power spot, they're running the BG3 energies.

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This is a church in Germany.

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When you do an energetic analysis of Where it is situated it has to be on a power spot.

In modern times people will put a church on any old place including a strip mall and most don't think anything of the energetics of it all as they did in ancient times.

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Nicknamed Ga-Pa, is an Alpine ski town in Bavaria, southern Germany. It is the seat of government of the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen (abbreviated GAP), in the Oberbayern region, which borders Austria. Nearby is Germany's highest mountain, Zugspitze, at 2,962 metres (9,718 ft) above sea level.

In the ancient world you would never build a temple for any tradition except on a spiritual power spot.

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Otherwise it wouldn't have the right energetics you're trying to connect the person to.

It wasn't just an abstract intellectual thing.
You had to connect a person's energetic field, their grid pattern back to the larger energetic grid through a sacred power spot.

Where is the largest beneficial energy line running within the sacred power spot?

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Isn't it going to be the central axis of the building?

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Then where are the different energy lines coming in?

Where are the majority of beneficial energy crossing together?

Wherever these energy lines cross together they create a vortex.

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If it's a beneficial energy, then it's a beneficial BG3 Vortex.

That is where they would place the altar.

They are using the earth's own energy to pattern out everything for the temple.
The temple has to operate like an organ in a living body.
The building has to Rise Up out of the earth's energy field like a living thin.

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This was for all of the sacred sites of every ancient tradition.

Now this was believed for when the energies were beneficial rather than detrimental.

When the energies are detrimental, the Germans in the last 100 years have identified the way that these toxic, subtle radiations have the effect of scrambling information and living beings.

In German research, some paid by the German and Austrian government, they identified the way that these subtle radiation grids, when you sleep on a crossing of the earth grids, it leads to all kinds of degenerative processes in whatever part of the body is over the crossing.

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Particularly cancer is described in great detail in the German publications.
There are examples of what happened in German texts of whether on a human body or on plants.

That detrimental radiation scrambles the information at a cellular level that leads to healthy cell replication.
So this is what you see on the plant.

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You get these tumorous growths from the scrambling of the information.

All the different earth lines crossing at this point are these energy grids being used in a detrimental way rather than a beneficial way.

Unfortunately the German research shows the same thing in a human brain for the creation of tumors when the field is scrambled.

This is why the German dowsers were picked up by the British and the Americans, who would then use mental dowsing.

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Note the URL in the above screenshot.

Mental dowsing spread more easily because it is not a technical field.
The vibration rate esthesia is highly technical.

Pallesthesia or vibratory sensation, is the ability to perceive vibration. ... The typical frequency used for the tuning fork is 128 Hz.

Esthesia takes a long time to teach people and goes much deeper in it's potential.

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By using mental dowsing they are able to identify the placement of the grids and what they are trying to do is identify where the grids are crossing at a person's bed so that they can try to protect the person from those effects.

What is used in North American mental dowsing circles is primarily trying to block the grid or divert the grid in some way.
This was not the Egyptian technique.

The Egyptian technique is to be able to transmute the detrimental energy in the grid to a beneficial energy.

Transmute the detrimental energy to the universal harmonizing energy, the BG3.

They knew this was a whole other level of operation that was far more beneficial and requires a much deeper level of knowledge.

Whenever you go outside and see there is a hedge growing normally, but in one particular place it goes all the way down to the ground, it's all brown and decayed. ..this means the earth grid is passing through that point.

If you see a line of ant hills, because ants love the earth's radiation lines they are building their hills directly on that line.

Whenever you see termites or other things that are nature's system to tear down, destroy and reprocess physical matter. . .it is all connected to these detrimental grids.

This is why you do not want to be sleeping on these grids.

It's also connected to accidents on the road, which is well known in North American Dowsing circles.

The German's did projects where they would hook up a human's brain to EEG's [electroencephalogram], and then expose them to the crossing of toxic earth energy lines. Then you can immediately see the brainwaves scramble.

So when a person goes across these areas on a road, the brain waves scramble, they lose their focus and there are repeated accidents at the same location.

What most people in Western dowsing circles know for the earth energy grids, are the grids that come up from inside the earth and rise straight up like walls.

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#LawOfVibration, #Vibration, #ShapedCauseWave, #Waves, #VibrationWaves, #VibrationalWaves, #NegativeGreen, #SubBands, #Subenergies, #PiRay, #KingsChamber, #EnergyCode, #dimensions, #HigherDimensions, #Transmitters, #Receivers, #Antennae, #Pendulums, #BG3Vibration, #LivingStatuesOfAncientEgypt, #GridOnTempleWalls, #VibrationalGridNetwork, #GeopathicGrids, #SacredPowerSpot, #TheGrid, #VortexMath, #VortexMathematics, #AncientEgypt, #GaPa, #DrKarim, #Dowsing, #Dowsers

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From the Library of Congress,

From Terra to Terabytes: Popular Cartography, Military Cartography (Morning, Day 1)

#Cartography, #MilitaryCartography

Here for archiving!

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