Stop Victim Blaming

in victimblaming •  6 years ago 


Dear People, please stop victim blaming. Put the responsibility where it belongs.

“Victim blaming is dangerous because it creates a cycle where women either do not feel safe reporting or they think that no one will believe them. Even worse, it stops women from reporting in order to avoid the shame of other people putting the blame on them. When abusers are not called out for their actions they start to believe what they are doing is ok and will continue to abuse women.

Teaching boys/men to take responsibility for their actions is a great way to combat victim blaming and the lack of reporting of sexual violence. It is important to teach young boys that violence is not okay and there are other ways to deal with anger. We must also support women as they share the worst experiences of their lives. It’s time we teach men not to rape instead of teaching women how to avoid rape.” -

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