(Now Playing on Dtube) Inverted Reality - Media Rolled-Out Main Child Actors From Parkland School Shooting Event Made Foreboding Movie Trailer In June 2017

in video •  7 years ago  (edited)

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This post is gonna be a bit of a mind blower.....

Video uploaded in June 2017 by Parkland school shooting event main media personality David Hogg reveals that the main media "rolled-out" personalities from the February 14, 2018 Parkland, Florida school mass shooting event are child actors and members of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas TV club who have previously made a surreal movie trailer together that features elements of inversion (reversed reality), subliminal messaging and a lone wolf style evil character.

The fact that David Hogg, the main media personality of the Parkland school shooting event, created and uploaded this video with the key media personalities related to the Parkland event begs further questioning as to whether the entire event was actually a staged psy-op (psychological operation) carried out by individuals (actors) acting in a nefarious, subversive manner.

The 2018 media rolled-out individuals in this 2017 video created and uploaded by main Parkland personality David Hogg include Delaney Tarr, Ryan Deitsch, Bradley Thornton and others who I am unable to specifically recognize due to lighting (possibly Cameron Kasky and Alex Wind.) All of the above-mentioned child actors have been featured on US media outlets since the Parkland event on February 14, 2018.

I have some slight knowledge of esoteric symbolism, propaganda techniques and psychology, and will provide my own interpretation of the symbolism in the movie trailer for others that may be looking for possible deeper meaning as to what is represented in the trailer.

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Analysis: The video clip features numerous edited clips pasted together to create a larger picture. When examined in relation to the context of the February 14, 2018 Parkland event the clips make more sense on a broad subliminal level than they would have in 2017 when initially uploaded. It is difficult to imagine the context for creating such a video prior to the Parkland event in 2018, although David Hogg may provide more insight should he be questioned on such.

The clip starts off with a student walking and tearing the pages from a "Details" magazine.

At the 8 second mark a second character appears bent over, worn out and holding his stomach in the Florida wilderness.

A third character with a smiling expression is then intensely focused on something at the 9 second mark as he looks to the sky having what appears to be a eureka moment.

At the 11 second mark the camera pans onto a young man sleeping at a computer in a darkened room. A bottle of water is at the forefront of the shot as a red candle and a single light illuminate the room.

12 sec mark: Red headed student actor Ryan Deitsch (who is a main media personality for the 2018 event) appears behind a fence in a dugout sitting on a bench.

14 sec mark: The sun is rising on a new day with a pier extended into the ocean.

16 sec mark: New character drags an American Flyer red wagon filled with objects across scene and past a cellular tower.

18 sec mark: The word "Lone" appears.

20 sec mark: 2nd character shows an expression of happy realization.

21 sec mark: Angry young man with shoulders hunched up carrying a vest backpack featuring an evil face image is shown walking through the Florida wilderness on a road by a river.

23 sec mark: Parkland student actress Delaney Tarr is shown on her knees in a bathroom seemingly making an emotional gesture to a girl who sits on a toilet.

25 sec mark: A young couple stand with arms around each other on a bridge.

28 sec mark: Camera pans onto smiling faces of couple on bridge as they show expressions of joy.

29 sec mark: 1st character now walking again and sees (recognizes) character on the opposite side of the road tossing a piece of paper down and drinking from a plastic bottle.

34 sec mark: Young man who was previously sleeping at the computer is now typing with the bottle of water again to his side. Camera focuses on hands typing from two angles. Character is then intensely typing and shown close up on the screen with an expression of aggressiveness. The words on the left side of the screen are:

"Things not to do at a stoplight. Choke on eraser shavings. Drink water. Wear a blindfold." (Words on the right side are too small to decipher).

37 sec mark: Parkland event student actor Ryan Deitsch (red hair) is shown sitting facing a younger male character. Camera pans behind young students head and image cuts to face of young student after meshing with Ryan Deitsch's head.

40 sec mark: David Hogg appears coming through a doorway and aggressively grabbing another student actor by the collar of their shirt and slamming them into a wall. Character mutters something and Hogg appears to attempt to intimidate character.

42 sec mark: Character previously typing at computer desk appears to have finished script which is illuminated by a single light in the dark room. He raises script up.

44 sec mark: Script is then received in the hands of individual who appears to be in a school environment (Note red fire alarm on wall and ceiling tiles in hallway.) Script is lowered and individual walks forward with it with an expression of amazement on his face.

47 sec mark: Male and female sit side by side facing a pool of water and a Florida backyard landscape. Girl rests head on shoulder of boy.

49 sec mark: 1st character now walking on a winding path and carrying Detail magazine bends over to pick up plastic bottle.

52 sec mark: On what appears to be an empty shell beach, student actor Delaney Tarr walks over to male actor who was previously pulling the American Flyer wagon. He appears slightly surprised.

54 sec mark: Young couple on bridge look up towards sky with happy expressions. Then they look at each other contentedly.

56 sec mark: Young couple are laid back together on the grass by a lake in a Florida backyard while a small blue paddle boat is on the shore of the lake.

57 sec mark: Beanie wearing boy that Delaney Tarr previous walked up to on beach is now walking alone through wilderness beside a body of water.

57 sec mark also: Camera pans across character once again typing furiously on the computer with a bottle of water and red candle by his side.

58 sec mark: 1st character still walking on the path turns to look at a piece of trash blowing across path behind him.

58 sec mark also: Delaney Tarr and bearded guy wearing shirt with yellow sun symbol and mountain (pyramid) walk by sign that says Barkland.

59 sec mark: Two hands (apparently female) appear touching over an Archie Comic Book.

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59 sec mark also: Student wearing sombrero and Mexican top handles a Spanish guitar while two girls look on excitedly. A pizza box and drinking cup portray a party atmosphere.

1:00 mark: An evil looking young male is seen facing the camera with two red candles to either side and 4 small candles in front of him. He is wearing a black shirt with two yellow eyes and menacing facial makeup. One eye appears to be darkened with a black triangle. He is holding a pencil.

1:00 mark also: Student actor Ryan Deitsch is seen at the party talking to a girl by a pool. Sombrero guy along with other student actors are seen in the background.

1:01 mark: Beanie wearing student previously seen pulling American Flyer wagon now looking at can of Campbell's soup near cell tower.

1:01 mark also: Record player spins a record with rainbow color center.

1:01 mark also: Student who previously lowered the script rushes towards school desk. American flag is in the background. Word "Story" stands out upon the file cabinet. Teacher appears ignorant of his distress.

1:01 mark also: Student actress Delaney Tarr and girl from bathroom earlier lean in to kiss. Hand bracelet denotes that their hands were the hands over the Archie Comic book earlier.

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1:01 mark also: Couple on bridge look at each other admiringly.

1:02 Delaney Tarr and girlfriend share knowing look at party.

1:02 mark also: Student pulling American Flyer wagon walks across scene with dog and American flag.

1:02 mark also: Ryan Deitsch and other male student actor lean in towards each other while Ryan holds an open ring box.

1:03 mark: Angry looking male wearing dark vest turns and looks at camera with menacing expression in the Florida wilderness.

1:04 mark: Girl and boy on bridge lean in to kiss. Camera fades.

1:07 mark: WMSD Productions appears on screen. No names or credits are provided.

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Analysis (a few things I note) based upon my own understanding of esoteric symbolism, predictive programming, and propaganda and film techniques (I dabble in these subjects, thus feel free to conduct your own analysis and critique my own in the comment section below if you feel my analysis is incorrect, and can help further understand what is taking place.)

One could take this video as simply a bunch of students creating a piece about relationships, for example the lesbian relationship that appears to take place or that of the couple on the bridge....... or one could look more closely and seek out a deeper meaning behind the symbolism that was chosen to be portrayed by the director David Hogg who was the lead media rolled-out personality for the Parkland school shooting event on Febrauary 14, 2018.

Water plays a key role in the juxtaposed video clips presented by David Hogg and the Parkland TV actors in the June 2017 TV Club trailer. Note the " Details". Plastic water bottles are featured throughout the video, as are bodies of water and pools, as well as a bridge (presumably traversing over a body of water) and rivers/canals that the dark figure walks beside. An obvious awareness of inversion is apparent on the part of the director due to his use of the two actors on opposite sides of the road who both throw water bottles on the ground and discard pages (throw away waste - Details/consciousness). If one considers that water represents the subconscious, and water in plastic bottles represents consciousness in a superficial form then things take on a much more interesting and symbolic tone and nature.

The dark figures throughout the video leave little to the imagination in relation to events at Parkland. The dark figure is alone in the Florida wilderness also moving alongside a body of water. (One could state that this is a stream of consciousness affected by the darkness moving alongside it). The American Flyer wagon (representative of the nuclear family) is being pulled by the cell tower and likely represents the American consciousness as it is communicated via the tower. (Note that a flag is attached to the wagon.) The writer in the dark room that is illuminated by a single red candle and a sole light types furiously, and cryptic sentences are displayed on the screen. One of these sentences mentions water (consciousness theme). A second sentence mentions choking on pencil shavings. (Note that later the dark figure is holding a pencil surrounded by candles/Of course also, pencils are normally most often held by students at school). A third sentence mentions being blindfolded (an inability to see). The plastic water bottle is front and center in the first shot as the student actor at the computer creates the script which he then raises up above his head (paying homage) and is handed down at the school. He then runs with it to a desk where the "story" is presented.

Scattered throughout the video we see David Hogg forcefully make his way through a doorway, then exhibiting a mocking facial expression. We see a storyline related to a lesbian relationship juxtaposed with an Archie comic book (Riverdale TV series/LGBT agenda featuring Delaney Tarr -the sex symbol of Parkland). Note the rainbow record (divisive, media pushed LGBT agenda) and Mexican Sombrero (divisive media pushed Immigration agenda). The video portrays the sun rising and couple on the bridge smiling as they look to the sky greeting the new day upon the bridge that traverses the water (subconsciousness). On an empty shell beach, Delaney Tarr approaches the male who was previously pulling the American Flyer wagon and rejection is exemplified as possibly taking place. Earlier Ryan Deitsch is seated facing a younger student actor and then the camera (through panning and meshing of scenes) portrays that one has become the other. This symbolizes that a transfer of knowledge has taken place. The next generation is thus affected. Later Ryan Deitsch holds an open ring box while facing another male figure. (More LGBT agenda).

The person being slammed against the wall inside the house is likely someone who is having trouble accepting that which is being shoved upon them. Delaney Tarr and the male who is now enlightened (due to shirt portraying such and no beanie and wagon) appear incognito and now approach sign which states "Welcome to Barkland". The male pulling the American flyer wagon is then seen with a dog in tow and a wagon that is now full as he heads down the road beside the river. (Possibly he and the dark figure are meant to be portrayed as one and the same now that inversion has taken place. Note also that earlier he was looking at a can of Campbell's soup. (symbolic of American family). The couple kiss upon the bridge. The word "Lone" for the title likely portrays the dark "lone" figure......likely the Parkland school shooter.

Summation: Things are not as they seem, or as portrayed by the media regarding the Parkland students. A closer look at the Parkland students is justified by the public. The extensive use of subliminal props and their juxtaposition by the videographer shows that the director had intentions towards portraying the video as more than that which is simply obvious to the average viewer. The question that should be asked is "what exactly that intention was?"
Feel free to add your own thoughts.

Link to original You Tube video (TV Club Trailer) uploaded by David Hogg on June 20, 2017.

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Link to additional Clarity of Signal posts on student actors at Parkland.

Extensive Post Reveals Drills, Anomalies and Child Actors Involved With Parkland School Shooting in Florida on February 14, 2018 (N.S.F.W.)


Reassessment of Students - Hopeful Actors, Reporters, FilmMakers Placed on Camera by Mainstream Media For Antigun Campaign Messages After Parkland Shooting Event


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You always have the most detailed articles around, very well done. As for the crisis actors here, the public is so dumbed down even if you show them the truth they won't believe it. The other day they was a school shooting that was thwarted and the gunman killed but nobody seems to care about that story. It's only the stories that promote the deep state agenda that get any press. They should have a public tv station that just plays 1984 and Animal farm over and over like they do with A Christmas Story to get people to wake up!

Thanks, and yes we are in the phase of demoralization now where people can be shown what is going on behind the curtain and still be in complete denial. The manipulative CIA media propaganda and constant dumbing down of the general public has been quite effective, unfortunately.

Ex-KGB Agent Bezmenov talks about demoralization

interesting how Hogg casts himself as a tough guy. Clearly they are all puppets.


The Parkland 'actors' were not used to 'fake' this 'color revolution' operation to 'regime change' the US constitution. These actors serve to 'NGO' a FAKE 'grassroots movement' against the US constitution, as is the case in ALL of these globalist 'color revolution' operations around the globe. That is, using 'trained students' to dupe fellow students. This stuff even harkens back to the old 'cointelpro' operations of the 1960's.

The actual 'shooting operation' was done by a small 'Gladio' paramilitary task force, as seen by eyewitnesses at the school.


It likely serves multiple purposes, including the ones you mention. The You Tube censorship purge of a large number of channels that were exposing global elitist and corrupt government crimes was also a big part of it, conducted under the guise of protecting children from bullying. Now it is also being used to attempt to mock those who point out inconsistencies and anomalies within the media perpetuated story itself. Its worth mentioning that children are quite often exploited by the deep state and are the main tools when it comes to propaganda. Remember the Nayirah testimony during the first Gulf War in 1990, then also consider how the White Helmets (al-Qaeda) are promoted by the US media as the rescuers of little kids in Syria, then the story of Omran the boy in the orange ambulance in Syria, then the 7 year old Tweeter from Aleppo, Syria Bana Alabed. The corrupt mainstream media (CIA) constantly use children to push their false narratives upon the public. These Parkland teens are no small kids though. They are well cognitive and fully culpable for their actions. That much is obvious.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I have to admit that I don't get it. People actually were killed at the shooting. Why are there a bunch of child actors involved in any of this? Why is this Hogg guy not outed for having graduated in 2015 from a high school in California? He claims he is a student of the Florida school and no one in the media questions it.

I watched an interview of two students and a teacher who said there was at least one other shooter who was dressed in full black gear. Why is this not talked about by the media and only found out about in alt media?

I would simply recommend checking out my other research on the White Helmets to get an idea of how well the CIA controlled media is able to deceive the public. Much of this type of propaganda and condition for such goes back to the Tavistok Institute which has branched across all western society.

Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group


They also work closely with Hollywood.

Exposing “The Last Men in Aleppo” – FSA Terrorist Psyop and Oscar Nominated Propaganda Campaign


Hence the reason I established the Clarity of Signal website to help the public to see through these orchestrated Deep State deceptions that serve the agenda of the corrupt and murderous global elite.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

With your response, I'm now following you!

Thank you.

To each their own. The evidence I provided is extensive and comes from the White Helmets own Facebook pages. Did anything I stated in particular upset you? I was simply trying to be helpful with my response.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My bad typing completely gave the opposite meaning of my comment. I'm actually following you! Sorry about that. You didn't do anything to upset me. I meant to write "now" and instead wrote "not"... I edited my comment.

Your original comments with the linked articles was excellent value and the reason I upvoted you.

Ah ok, no worries. I wondered what was up. :) Kind regards.

0:29 Guy in vest walking with color in front, leaving black and white behind. I think this symbolizes "progress".
0:32 Guy in green tank top drops trash(or maybe knowledge, since it was some type of publication) and the space behind him turns black and white.
0:50 Guy picks up trash, leaving color behind.
Who knows?

Good catch on the color change. It may be symbolic of progress for the director or possibly the divisive racial agenda being used previously by the Deep State. Either way its shows, once again, that the director David Hogg uses film techniques for portraying a deeper meaning than that which is immediately obvious to the average normal viewing audience.

you guys actually think they are crisis actors LMAO

Insults are not arguments. Saddest of all though, is that your response is pretty much covered by the demoralization tactic in the video of an earlier comment on this article, also from @clarityofsignal.

its not a demoralization tactic, its calling out the absurdity for what it is.

the degree to which some people have gone complete conspiracy is saddening.

Saddest of all, are the people who are unfortunate enough to allow themselves to be both SILENCED, and DISARMED by their government. - The historical precedent for this principle is compelling, unmistakable, and... very, very SAD. The end is always the same - human serfdom, or slavery. Go back as far as you like, the story repeats, over and over again. Some day, take a look at the youtube video of the life of the body double of Uday Hussein. Freedom is never free, friend. And Slavery - is intolerable! Those who would enslave us, are not gone, it's just that we are too strong collectively for them to have their way. That's what they fear, and that's why we are free. It's just as simple as that. Those who would enslave us, are cowards, and cannot have us where they want us, whilst they believe that we are armed. And so, what would you do, if you were in their position. I would seek to disarm the masses - by any and all means. (It's not like I would give a shit whether some kids got killed ) So yes, when I hear of another school shooting - again, and again, and again - and each time, there are obvious inconsistencies, well, I'm ready to question the circumstances. Frankly, it's our duty as Americans to be watchful. Add to that, the sudden "end run" to gun control, sometimes within moments of the shootings. What am I to think? So I go to youtube and twitter, and facebook, to perhaps get some other perspectives and insight as to what may have transpired - only to find that anyone who mentions, or questions, or dares to challenge the narrative, has been terminated, shut down, closed off, or otherwise 'Silenced' - on Youtube, On Twitter, On Google results, on Facebook - I see a narrative, that may be possibly questionable, and then I see all opposition, silenced. I have a major problem with that - and you should too! Because Saddest of all, are the people who are unfortunate enough to allow themselves to be both SILENCED, and DISARMED by their government, and that appears to be exactly what is being attempted. If my viewpoint is absurd, then so be it, but my 55 years on this earth have definitely taught me one thing - The world is full of bullshit and bullshitters, who will say anything and do anything for power, money, and sex - and there is NO LOW which is too low, to which those demons won't stoop, to get their fix of money, power, and sex.

The mocking will not remove the fact that at least five of the media rolled out teens for the Parkland school shooting event made a video in June 2017 proving without any doubt that they are in fact actors. Cameron Kasky and David Hogg have already admitted they were actors on Bill Maher's show. The questions that needs to be asked are why did the media choose teens from the school that were all in the Douglas Drama/TV club, and did the parents connections to the entertainment industry and Deep State play any role in that decision making process? Who, in particular, provided the connections and implemented this process?

Also worth mentioning is the fact that the March For Our Lives protest was not a grassroots nationwide demonstration organized by these teens as reported by the media. There were bigger players behind it as it was all rolled out immediately during the week of the shooting event. Progressive activist Niko Case has now gone on the record to state that a democratic party senator personally contacted him to MC a march in South Florida. He was told he would receive word from officials in DC when he would officially be assigned the job. The public has a right to know whose interests, both political and financial were being served. Who was actually behind it? Who organized and financed it? It helps to always know who really benefits in this regard.

In this attached video Niko says it was Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Now its time to find out if her team was connecting the dots between the student actors and the MSM when the event went down.


I am not mocking you, some of you simply need to understand how absurd the argument is that these kids are crisis actors.

The closest thing you guys have to evidence is a shitty music video that was clearly made by one of the students, and you are analyzing it like it's some crisis actor training media conspiracy bullshit.. It's literally a video made by a kid...

meanwhile there is ample evidence that these students went to stoneman douglass.

As a young person I was invited to multiple facebook groups to march, many of my friends went to dc to march, and I can tell you it wasn't some democrat senator making the facebook groups.. and there aren't any finances necessary to march on the street.

The public has a right to know whose interests, both political and financial were being served. Who was actually behind it? Who organized and financed it?

A lot of people are interested in more gun control. It's not some conspiracy.

New post up today reveals more of the coincidental connections between the media rolled out teens, the schools drama and TV clubs and government organizations.

More Parkland Students Rolled Out By The Mainstream Media Exposed As Actors/School TV Personalities Via Their Own Uploaded Posts And You Tube Channels
