Multiple Angelic Spirits With Cloud Orbs Cloaking Invisible To Visible #2

in video •  7 years ago 

September 24, 2017 4:09:34AM CDT

Two new clouds have appeared along with the major cloud stationed on the property. The large cloud generally does not move except under certain circumstances, and I have captured video of it motionless then going into an active motion stage. Here you will see both the smaller cloud orbs and the smallest goes invisible, then visible, over and over non-stop on and off camera all night long. Note the position of the big, tall cloud nearest the home. It has a large orb visible within it now! On Friday night 9-29-17 and a High Holy Day it moved to the center again of the patio and the large orb inside of it is gone and the two small orbs are gone as well. The blessings continue into the new year. I see a title from Fox News on Yom Kippur, which is Friday evening 9-29-17 to Saturday evening 9-30-17, this title, which is appropriate for this video: Yom Kippur should be welcomed by Jews and non-Jews as reminder that God is with us. On this day forgiveness of sins is asked of God. God inscribes each person's fate for the coming year into a book, the Book of Life, on Rosh Hashanah, and waits until Yom Kippur to "seal" the verdict. My belief is that while God is able to know all things, our angels are always before Him, like they spoke up for Cornelius in the Book of Acts; they do not go off an lounge somewhere, but God is personal and they present a report and beseech Him on our behalf. The recording angels, which have other gifts, talents and powers, are visiting over the High Holy Days and on the day of sealing the fate for the year, they have returned to heaven, I believe with a favorable report.

I will continue to upload these angel videos. (If you see the ones moving, you will realize they are sentient. Remember, God appeared in fire, in a flaming bush, and in clouds of glory and His temple has been filled with His glory as with a cloud. His angels can appear in human like form, or as orbs like clouds, lights, shining lights, colored lights, red, red orange, golden yellow. In human form they may appear as black, as white, as hispanic, as semitic, chinese. One thing they won't in are skimpy, revealing garments because they dress very modesty, only showing hands, wrists, feet, ankles, upper neck and head and you will not see the shape of their breasts or between their legs at all period. The images of angels coming down the steps in God's throne room showing them in linen and you can make out breasts, the shape of their legs and thighs, butts, all of that is simply not the case. That type of image comes from a worldly, human perception. Humans think nothing of showing breasts, in many countries, but I have never seen an angel dress in such a manner as that in my entire life.

Please, if you are wanting to debunk these for me, check out all of them I am posting on my steemit blog. I'm taking the time today to post as many as I can. Thanks for the help of the community. I definitely will post the "monkey" videos. It's not a butterfly or moth, it's some kind of ape. If somebody has seen these apes in other countries or places, definitely link me up to those. The orbs, too. I want to know what others with this experience are saying, finding out.

Thanks for all the steemit community help. Again, I welcome anybody who can debunk this. You can start with the assumption I did some kind of CGI master work, but that will come up empty because I already know I didn't do that, but of course, if I saw this, I would think, now how'd that guy pull this off. So I understand. I can send the video to an expert to debunk it. I'd really like a good answer(s).

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