This market in Thailand closes up 8 times a day to let a train pass thorugh [3 min video]

in video •  5 years ago 

The Mae Khlong Railway Market used to be a pretty unseen destination until about 10 or 15 years ago. Then it started getting popular. Today it's a major tourist attraction. It's not normally the type of place I like to visit, but I was staying nearby and as I parked the car outside my hotel I saw the crossing lights flashing. I went over to take a look and decided to film it, then figured I'd cut that into a quick video to share on my travel site and let others know what the market is actually like.

It's actually kind of cool here. You can see as the train passes they put all the awnings back up, and the tables are all on wheels and tracks to make them easy to push in and out. The Thai name for this market (ตลาดร่มหุบ) translates to something close to 'awning put-away market'.

Thanks for watching!

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