Tardisonal Dance In Boxing Ring | Biligual --original video

in video •  6 years ago 

A number of beautiful girls dance in the ring.

This is done shortly before the Boxing match begins.

They play traditional ethnic dances of Aceh. The costumes are also customary clothes of Aceh. Aceh is a nation dwelling in the country of Indonesia.

Traditional dance performances on the boxing ring are rare, as they are different from those in the continent of America or Europe.

Here is a beautiful girl dance video on the ring.

please klik my channel


Tarian Tardisonal Di Ring Tinju

Sejumlah gadis cantik menari di atas ring . Hal ini dilakukan sesaat sebelum pertandingan Tinju dimulai.
Mareka memainkan tarian tradional etnik Aceh. Kostumnya juga pakaian adat Aceh. Aceh adalah bangsa yang berdiam di kawasan negara Indonesia.

Pertujukan tarian tradisional diatas ring tinju termasuk langka, karena berbeda dengan dengan pertujukan di benua Amerika atau Eropa.

Berikut adalah video tarian gadis cantik diatas ring.

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Lagak that2 dara aceh ct eeee

pue shit teuh.
maka jih, mita aju meu dua boh teuk.