Benefit dance

in video •  8 years ago 

Writing about dance,, (benefits)

I just writing for the other know benefits about dance

Fixed the balance
Increasing age will affect the physical condition, one of them balance. But do not worry, a study from the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity states, some types of dances such as tango proven to improve the balance of the body. Dancing tango involves fast movement and correct posture. With dancing beitu can help improve your body condition.

Increase energy
There is advice that if you feel tired, lethargic, and lackluster, go exercise. The sport here is the same as dancing. Physical activity while dancing will trigger the release of endorphins that will make us feel excited. Dancing can also help improve sleep quality, so there is a sense of refresh when you are done resting. Endorphins and good resting quality will ultimately result in better focusing ability.

Reducing weight
Dancing for 60 minutes can burn 468 calories (for people weighing 60 kilograms). This figure is quite large. Compare with casual biking for the same time will burn 450 calories. More interestingly, since dancing activity feels more like entertainment than exercise, you may not realize that your body is slowly building beautiful and becoming firmer.

The heart is stronger
Dancing can improve cardiorespiratory fitness or improve the ability of the heart and lungs to carry oxygen throughout the body during heavy activity. Dancing is also good for people who have a risk of heart disease. People like this are usually not advised to perform heavy activities such as running or cycling. Dancing casually like a waltz turns out to have a positive impact on their heart health.

The body is more flexible
Dancing movements involve upper and lower body parts, and thus can increase muscle strength and endurance. In addition, dancing movements can also increase body flexibility. Increased flexibility will reduce joint pain and stiffness. No need to do ballet movements, traditional dance movements such as Javanese dance was equally flexing.

Train the brain
Dancing also keeps the brain young. New England Journal of Medicine says, dancing is a form of recreational activity that can reduce the risk of depression and dementia or Alzheimer's. Dancing also integrates several brain functions at once, thus enhancing nerve connectivity in the brain-because it simultaneously involves kinesthetic, rational, musical sensitivity, and emotional processes. Learning and memorizing new movements while dancing can also improve brain intelligence.

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Nice! My sister also loves to pole, and she's getting so strong! :) Keep it up. It's cool that you can do inversions... it takes arm strength and core!