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This is honey badger grade! We need a version with Randall doing silly comments :)

I hadn't seen the comment, and as I was seeing this video honey badger came to mind ahahaha, that video has destroyed my view of animal documentaries forever.

nice one :D

Haha! poor fox!

Сunning fox
nice video!

Excellent video!

so cute..

ha ha, i like fox

The fox uses the Earths magnetic field to help locate the critter under three feet of snow, amazing..

fox hunting cool

Oh my God! This fox is so cute !

wow great video

Nice video. The fox is a nice animal. Here in Norway it has almost died out. Its sad. All the Volf also are almost killed, couse shep farmers, complains about they take the lamb.
I dont like to witnes all the nice creatures geting killed. Its sad to see the world going in wrong directions.
Tanks for the post

I've seen you in quite a few places now :)

Yess, i like to be active. kind of adicted to steemit :p

Excellent video!

the fox uses many ways to detect its prey, so in-fact diving into the snow could be actually it detecting a prey/predator or it could be just pure....stupidity.

Like Foxes! How about this?

You wanna something? Let me sleep! :)

crazy fox

This just broke my assumption that only white foxes do this kind of dives.

i could watch nature shows all day

craziest thing I've ever seen

Awesome, very cool!

wow posting a 3 year old video from youtube and you maken over 3800 Bucks. What is your secret?

relaxed. ths

Hey master yoda. Do you post and vote on yourself using multiple bots that you've set up? You make more money than anyone by posting total garbage that is just copy and paste. What's your secret?

lol, amazing video, really crazy jump !!

wow almost $4000 made on someone else's content.........


best article i have ever seen.
Someone just got 3,7k $ withdrawn,thanks to the video of Fox diving into snow.
World,quo vadis?

This hunting technique is hilarious.

Some of the most interesting people on earth, are the people filming these videos, they spend all day, hours, weeks, months, just to get a this on video, allot better than what garbage people are putting on instagram twitter, youtube everyday.

This is not facebook



masteryoda great video!

One of the most interesting animal videos seen by me..Cool share @masteryoda!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This is special trained fox! Never try to repeat this! Fox must wear protective jacket and helmet to avoid trauma.


beautiful fox, an interesting video

predator takes prey, natures law

Anyway.. fantastic video! Especially jumping!

So damn awesome, cute and funny at the same time!

hahaha it makes

Foxes are awespme animals! they are like cats and dogs at the same time

incredible ..that fox very cool

bad fox in winter, little food

That's just so cute how he dives :D