Filmmaker's Diaries: A Short Caipirinha Video

in video •  7 years ago  (edited)


Today I'll share a small video I did. It's called:

"Making Caipirinha in Norway"

It's a small "unofficial" video, in a few days I'll make it private, but I wanted to share it here first.

Like I said before, I'm not much of a director of photography, so this video is mainly a way to test the camera and so on. I Made a mistake exposing... the place with was a bit dark and ... I could have done it better and other things. Learning.

I created the youtube site for the company. I've been talking more about the real estate, but I'm working on this second company too.

It's a company for all type of videos and commercial for any small business... but the main goal of it is to be specialized in travel videos.

Here is the Video:

As always, thank you for reading.

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All images (except Logo) are from

If you like this you can see the previous diaries for more reference:

Wish you a great Day!!

2 Bamboo Logo.jpg

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Olá @maxjoy

Ótima ideia de compartilhar sobre o drink mais famoso do Brasil com o mundo.

ptgram power
