Let us tell you: if it didn’t exist, we’d have decisely to invent it! Here we are to talk about a great brand new handheld device, one of a kind, which allows you to shoot and transmit live video streaming via mobile network without needing to use additional peripherals or video capture cards. Not only. HD-STREAM also comes with the uncommon benefit to work without any memory cards for data storage, since it can upload video directly on an external server.
That’s the reason why the product has become in a short time such an essential tool for cameramen, TV technicians, police forces engaged in undercover operations, military, video reporter, civil protection operators or in general anyone who needs a real time high quality video transmission with very low latency. Not to mention that the server through which data is passed is absolutely free of charge. Anyway let’s see how the device is made up.
Although it is light and compact, HD-STREAM is equipped with everything needed to work as all-in-one system for professional high definition video broadcasting. On the other hand, the device holds a multichannel selector for simultaneous use of 2 to 8 SIM cards LTE / UMTS in parallel, useful both to increase upload bandwith and to ensure the transmission smoothness without any loss of quality or frame rate. It makes use as well of a special algorithm able to process and balance video streaming according to the uploading ability of the mobile operator in use. In any case the system works on 3G UMTS/4G LTE network both on battery and continuous power to be suited for quick interventions or long video monitoring sessions.
Another peculiarity of this smart video streaming equipment is that it can be easily managed remotely via the WiFi network, as well as to be led from touch screen, allowing the user to set video channels, bandwidth, camera controls, connection network and broadcasting parameters. Along with the device you will take advantage of a free training course in order to use the product in the best right way!
Why choose HD-STREAM for your live footage or real time video monitoring? There could be several reasons, as many as are its application fields. Anyway we have summarized just a few of those ones which seemed to us the most deserving of attention:
Video can be stored both on internal supports and external server
LCD touch screen
WiFi network use
Ability to use from 2 to 8 simultaneous LTE/UMTS SIM Cards
HDMI video input/output
Ports: SDI, Analog
Long duration battery
Small light device
Very low LTE latency (3 sec.)
No need cloud: video is directly sent to the user PC
No need any further video or PC capture cards
Ready to use & all in one system
Can also be powered by 12V
ZERO managing server costs
Free training course