Worth Bookmarking: 'VPRO' International Documentary Channel on Youtube

in video •  9 years ago 

I am from the Netherlands and the best documentaries on national tv here are made by the independent national broadcaster 'The VPRO'. I am a huge fan and it appears they also have a Youtube channel in which they translate their original Dutch documentaries in English.. They do this exclusively for broadcasting their productions to a wider audience worldwide via the internet.

Since most of their documentaries have an international orientation, most of the interviews are already in English so it's not like you are watching and hearing Dutch all the time with subtitles... Really worth exploring.

For example their 'Backlight' series shine a objective and explorative light on ongoing daily political and econical issues and global developments... Whether it is about bitcoin, the sharing economy, electrical cars or the rise of extremism, 'Backlight' has made an insightful documentary about it...

The series shifts between two modes of communication: it provides in-depth analysis of new developments by leading intellectuals, visionaries and mavericks – the architects of change. At the same time, it applies daring cinematic techniques, capturing the effects these changes have on the daily lives of the real world‘s citizens.

Backlight Series on the VPRO Channel

Another one of my favourite VPRO documentary series is called 'Metropolis'. In each 'Metropolis' series a theme is chosen and explored by local reporters in various cities across the world. This can basics like: 'Food' or 'Work' or 'Marriage' and then during a serie you immediately see the differences and overlaps as they exist in our global but oh so small planet...

Metropolis Series

Also interesting are the following VPRO productions:

The Perfect Human Being Series

In this series the Dutch writer and interviewer Bas Heijne went on a personal quest to discover what defines 'being human' in our increasingly technological society. He interviewed philosophers, technologists and scientists around the world, in search of the future of the human species.

and the Back to Africa Series
This series about Africa was broadcasted by the VPRO in the Netherlands in 2014 and shines a light of huge diversity and wonderfulness of the world's biggest and greatest continent Africa.

Trailer of the 'VPRO documentary International' Channel

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Couldn't agree more!

Bookmarked it! The youtube version.

Thanks for the share, i think The VPRO is one of the better Documentary producers actually in Europe, quality and objective documentaries

Thank you for sharing, interesting documentaries ;)

Thank you this is exactly what I'm looking for :)