[Video Blog #115] - The Bitcoin Cash Dash For Dominance

in video •  7 years ago  (edited)

What goes up, must come down.

Bitcoin Cash is gaining a lot of attention and I feel it is all just one big well devised money grab for those that hold large positions in Bitcoin Cash.

The reality is that Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash will co-exist and this is all a very well planned marketing program to ensure the network stability of Bitcoin Cash for the years to come.

A swing of miners hash will ensure both Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin have life and that is the directive.

There will be some sloshing in attention and market cap at this point in time however the markets will recover and BTC will continue to grow.

The infrastructure is there for both entities and I feel it will all just blow over and we will see both entities do what they do for years to come.

What do you think of all this?

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~ Sebastian


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Hey Serbs... I’m following. Need to ramp up in crypto before I contribute on Telegram. Looking forward to keeping in touch!. Take care.

Are you joining my telegram group? I would be honoured if you did. We do have a lot to say and share and you will be amongst a more mature, level headed crypto crowd. :)

Yeah! I’m in. Looking forward to a lot more chatter! Ha!

Sorry! Typo! SEBS! Duh! It’s an age thing! Ha!

Call me what you like Brian! :)

Great Post! BCH is currently booming, but it will eventually settle back down. I can't believe it is a few billion away from surpassing Ethereum's Market Cap.

That is a major moment. Probably the target they have in mind as that will get some media attention. Yes...Bitcoin Cash will have its crash and correction. Just when is the question. Lots of money made and just as much lost. I am out of BCH for now and will wait for all of it to settle.

From my point of view, Bitcoin Cash is closer to Bitcoin than Bitcoin itself because of SegWit. Please check what Chronos have to say on this topic.

Thanks for the links. In my opinion, Segwit is a banking middle man, an infiltrated system with more fees based on slower transactions and confirmations. Just the way they like it. Look into the CEO's. Bring on atomic swaps, RSK and Lightning as that will change the space again. There is place for both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. It is not a competition as Bitcoin will always be Bitcoin however if you did want to make it a competition they would both lose to Bitshares, EOS and the Graphene based tech. Light years ahead in all areas. Bitcoin Cash is just looking for market attention and share by a centralised unit of control. Will be more relevant in Chinese markets when they peg BCH to the alts on various exchanges. Feel sorry for all the peeps who bought BCH on the high based on all the hype and shilling. Very well executed and financed marketing program. Appreciate your views and there is no doubt Bitcoin Cash is well backed by a centralised Chinese mining conglomerate with Chinese government connections. Does not sound as decentralised now and is open for huge manipulation as we have already seen. I am treading cautiously and I do not recommend it as an investment at this stage due to its volatility and manipluation.

bitcoin cash just went crazy !!!

Yes it was a crazy day on the markets. Lots of people lost a lot of money due to FOMO and the quick flash crashes. Dangerous territory this trading game.

Am I wrong or is bitcoin cash just speculation? Or is there quit more behind it?

30 billion injecting into it in a 24 hour period with 10 billion taken from the market just as fast. Non organic. A true pump and a market manipulation to legitimise BCH into the top three before mass adoption stage starts to kick in next year. BCH will also become a trading pair on many exchanges. It was a fix.

aah thanks man, didnt know that. realy, trading pairs? so better get some right?

Personally I sold out yesterday during the madness. I feel that BCH is still sitting high and is overbought. I would think it will retrace more once the money grab has started to settle down. I might look at it again in a few weeks. Holiday season tends to see a market down turn. Might me a good time to enter then and after it retraces a little more? Your call.

yeah that was my first idea aswell, I wouldnt have bought right now but wait till the price came down. And now you remind me of the holidays, it would be the best time to wait untill then to buy :)

that was great to read and video ,,,,,,thanks for sharing......../////

I think the bitcoin cash has a future and will be the first competitor for the bitcoin or more. We will see what happens in the coming days

There is market space for Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin to co-exist. That is what will happen. They will also service different markets.